Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ordinary Time is High Definition Time

The month of January has flown by very quickly; I remember once thinking it was the slowest moving month in the year to finish, but goodness that is not the case anymore. Our emphasis during 2009 is Living in HD - High Definition -which means living with a Clarity of Purpose, Context of Faith, and the Colour of Christ in our how are you doing at that after month one ? Are you in HD ? How are we doing as a parish family after month one - well let’s see:

Clarity of Purpose (What we are about...seeing clearly)
- Welcomed 7 children in Baptism, United 1 couple in Marriage and 4 parishioners were welcomed to Eternal Life.
- Adorers are present in our Chapel 24 hours a day
- 32 Parishioners meet in Celebrating the Word small groups
- St Vincent de Paul reaches out to those in need

Context of Faith (How we Gather)
- Wize Guys had a great Gym Night
- Kids Klub is exciting: Gym Riot & Movie Night
- High School Exam Survival Kits shared
- Children’s Ministry is in full swing
- Family Night at the Gym: a great success
- Parish Day at the Guelph Storm: lots of fun
- CWL, Euchre Club got together

Colour of Christ (Become Like in Christ...His Shadow)
- First Eucharist Parent Meeting
- Enrollment weekends and Pizza with Padre evening for our Confirmation Candidates
- Ministry Appreciation Vespers & Volunteer Reception
- Wize Guys Men’s Breakfast
- Tuesday Night Together Evening on Parenting

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

We celebrate today the conclusion of the Season of Christmas. A Season which has led us not only thru the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas itself), but also the Feast of the Holy Family and the Feast of the Epiphany. Today’s celebration, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, marks the occasion of Christ’s own Baptism in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. It is an occasion to not only celebrate all of the blessings of the Season of Christmas, but also the blessings and grace of the Sacrament of Baptism itself.

Our Holy Father Pope Benedict writes about today “ Baptism is, so to speak, the bridge that God has built between Him and us, the road by which He is accessible to us; it is the divine rainbow over our life, the promise of the great yes of God, the gateway to hope and, at the same time, the sign that indicates the road we must take in an active and joyous way to meet Him and feel loved by Him.”

In our own parish not only was the Renewal of our Baptismal Promises an important part of our celebrations this weekend, but so to for our Confirmation Candidates, it was a time for their Rite of Enrollment in which they came forward to indicate their desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation later in this Spring.

Our unity as a community was also celebrated today, in a more secular way, but also an important one, as 90 individuals from our parish attended together a Guelph Storm Hockey game for our annual “Family Day with the Storm.” It was an event attended by individuals of all ages and a great time to be together celebrating our family of faith.

2009 has begun well, one might say in a High Definition Fashion, we continue to rely on God’s Grace and Blessing - both of which come from our Baptism in the Lord.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A High Definition Year - 2009

As we begin 2009, can I borrow some of the words of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict, who is his New Years Day message offers some wonderful hope filled words:

"This year closes with the awareness of a growing economic and social crisis that already concerns the entire world," he said. "Though not a few shadows are appearing on the horizon of our future, we should not be afraid.

"Our great hope as believers is eternal life in communion with Christ and with the whole family of God. This great hope gives us the strength to confront and overcome the difficulties of life in this world."

The Holy Father assured that both the year that was ending and the one on the horizon are both under the gaze of the Virgin Mother of God: "The maternal presence of Mary assures us tonight that God will never abandon us, if we entrust ourselves to him and follow his teachings. To Mary, then, with filial affection and trust, let us present our hopes and desires, as well as the fears and the difficulties we carry in our hearts, as we bid farewell to 2008 and prepare ourselves to welcome 2009."

Our parish begins 2009 by seeking that it become a High Definition Year - one of clarity, context and colour. We pray that the Lord will allow us to become clear about His will for us, that He will lead us to understand our role in the context of the world we live in, and that He will guide us to live life with the vibrancy of colour and not the doom and gloom of black and white. Hope filled - that is our goal...High Definition - that is our way.

Have a H.D. Year !