As we celebrate this holy feast of Christmas, the words of the Angel spoken to the shepherds are proclaimed anew: "Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy . . . a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord." The Church makes these words her own as she announces to all people the joy and peace that were born on Christmas morning.
These words of the Angel led the shepherds to search out the infant Jesus and to encounter Him in the presence of Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family. So too for us, the words of the Angel invite us to contemplate the joy and hope of this Christmas day. God has sent us a Savior, His Son who brings us lasting peace.
And so: Do not be afraid! Our Savior is born. Let us adore Him, with Mary and Joseph,
through our fidelity to prayer, especially in the celebration of Mass. And with the Angel of the Lord, the shepherds, and the whole Church, let us make the message of Christ's birth known to all, especially by our love for one another.
May the Lord Jesus continue to bless you and may our Mother Mary and Saint Joseph watch over you always.