Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Parish Feast Day

What is a Parish Feast Day ?

The richness of our Catholic faith believes in the intercession of saints. The patron saint of a particular group of people is a saint who has special affinity to that group, and whose attributes speaks to its members. Some consider asking a saint for intercession, rather than expecting to be answered themselves, as an act displaying humility, calling to mind what is written in the Book of Job 42:8.

Our Feast Day is celebrated on May 31. The Feast is of medieval origin and was only universally adopted in 1389. In 1969, Pope Paul VI moved the celebration to May 31, between the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord and that of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, "so that it would harmonize better with the Gospel story".

The Visitation is the encounter of the Virgin Mary and Elizabeth as recorded in the Gospel of Luke 1:39-56. Mary, having heard at the Annunciation thru the angel Gabriel that Elizabeth was six months pregnant, left her home to visit her. Elizabeth and John the Baptist were inspired by the Holy Spirit at her arrival; and Elizabeth, seeing Mary’s faithfulness, cared for her giving her the opportunity to nourish the gift of life, Jesus, within her. Mary, surrounded by Elizabeth’s love, pronounced the "Magnificat". It is the second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, with the Spiritual Fruit of a Love of Neighbour.

Thus as a parish community dedicated to Mary, under the title of Our Lady of the Visitation, this Feast reminds us of our call to love our neighbour, to be welcoming and to provide a place for others to grow nourishing the Lord within them.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Feast of Pentecost

A Prayer for Pentecost

Spirit of Life, who in the beginning alighted upon the abyss, help humanity in our time to understand that the exclusion of God leads us to lose ourselves in the desert of the world, and that only when we enter into faith do dignity and freedom flourish and society can be built up in justice. Spirit of Pentecost, who makes one Body of the Church, restore unto us, the baptized, an authentic experience of communion; make of us a living sign of the presence of the Risen One in the world, a community of saints that lives in the service of love. Holy Spirit, who enables our mission, allow us to recognize that, even in our time, many people are seeking the truth of their existence and of the world. Make us coworkers for their joy in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the grain of God's wheat, who makes our life's journey good and assures us the abundance of the harvest. Amen.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It’s not a secret !

He was finally disclosed ! After decades of wondering. Years of pondering. The identity of the infamous “deep throat” has been discovered. Mark Felt, the former No. 2 official at the FBI has disclosed that he was the anonymous source called "Deep Throat" for more than 30 years. Most of us will remember something about the Watergate scandal, the break-in at Democratic Party national headquarters which was originally considered an isolated crime. But Mr. Felt, the official assigned to the case, knew the whole story. He decided that he could not trust the Bureau or the White House to investigate the incident fully, and so he gave his information to reporters at The Washington Post. They in turn told the world that the Nixon White House was behind the break-in and subsequent cover-up. The result was the only resignation in United States presidential history, and speculation for more than three decades regarding the identity of the reporters' source.

Mr. Felt had intended to take the story to his grave, but three years ago he confided his secret to his family. They in turn encouraged him to tell the world and receive the accolades they believe he deserves. Now, at the age of 91 and in failing health, he has done just that. Critics have derided his decision as a law enforcement official to forego official channels in disclosing his information, but most being interviewed this morning are reacting to his actions with appreciation. The story makes this point: it's impossible to keep a secret forever.

There is a secret within our hearts. This secret is the love of God. The best part of this secret is that we do not have to keep it, rather we can share it. We can share the love of God in the kindness we offer to neighbour, the understanding we give to family members, the reverence we show to the gift of life, the appreciation we have for what has been entrusted to us, the sensitivity we reveal to those in need. The love of God is a secret we are called to share each and every day.

Sometimes when it comes to our faith, our relationship with God, we tend to want to keep it a secret or private matter. Yet part of our call as Disciples of the Lord is to share it, not keep it secret. How ? Well, how about a few suggestions: next time someone does something nice - send them a Thank you note, come home one day and out of the blue say to a spouse “ I love you”, when your child, or grandchild, does something that makes you real proud its ice cream time, invite a friend to come with you to Church on Sunday, share a prayer before meals (yes even in a restaurant), go for a walk and just take in the beauty of God’s creation and thank God for it. These little things make a secret a reality. They show others that we have knowledge, not of a source called “deep throat”, but of The source called God - the source of our strength, happiness and joy. So go to it - tell others the secret - it’s God’s love



Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over your Church. Bless these women, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord.
