Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Come Experience Christmas

The other day I made the biggest mistake - or so it seemed - of my entire life! I went to Toys R Us a few days before Christmas ! O my goodness - the chaos, the bedlam, the sheer madness. I should have known it was going to be an experience and a half  for as I was walking in, people were walking out with the dazed look that simply yelled out “run for your life while you can.”

As I made my way thru the isles of toys, bumped past shopping cards abandoned almost in a sense of hopelessness, as I paused every few minutes - well for oxygen - I finally encountered another exasperated adult who just looked at me and said “ Wow, Toys R Us must live for this day, it must be everything they prepare for all year round”.

First, let me say - I survived Toys R Us - barely - but I survived. Second, I discovered something: that even at Toys R Us there is a Christmas Lesson - and here it is: Christmas - We live for this day! It must be everything we prepare for !

Its so true ! We don’t come on Christmas to observe or even just celebrate with carols and hymns. As Disciples of Jesus we come on Christmas to Experience :

■ to experience hope in the night
■ to experience a peace which surpasses chaos
■ an overwhelming experience of God’s love

Now we have spent Advent waiting - for some that waiting may have shown itself in a little hint, an elbow or nudge here and there, hoping for a gift to be under the tree. But for others - there has been a deeper longing:

 waiting for a new job or financial security
 waiting for a new home or an acceptance letter into a college, university
 waiting for a new relationship or to repair the one that we have
 waiting for a new year - 2013 gotta be better than 2012
 waiting for suffering to end or grief to subside
 waiting for life to make sense, or our world to calm down
 waiting for hope, peace
 waiting for an answer to the ultimate question - Why?

Maybe we have come - and well - chaos has been a partner this year with us; maybe not as bad as the chaos at Toy R Us - or maybe worse. So Christmas is here !

Have you come to just observe?
Have you come to just celebrate ?
Have you come to just survive? - or maybe - just maybe - you have come to experience!

★ The hope of Christ which is ours if we seek it
★ That unspeakable joy of Christ which is ours if we claim
★ That unquenchable love of Christ which is ours if we make it our own

But we have to choose to experience it !

We come to truly experience Christmas because - well simply - because We live for this day! It must be everything we prepare for ! It is an eternal gift!

Tyler and Timmy, five year old twins, were sitting in their beds getting ready one night for their dad to come in and tuck them into sleep. Dad was a bit delayed because he was helping mom put their new born baby brother to sleep and it was taking a few minutes.

Tyler said to Timmy. "Mom and Dad seem happy with our new baby brother." "Ya," said Timmy, "but I think they were hoping for a girl." "Oh" said Tyler, "I see - well why don’t they return him and get a girl instead?" "Na" said Timmy - "we can’t return him - we have used him too much already."

God’s great gift - His only Son - Jesus Christ - is not a gift He will take back. His Light Shines...even in the sadness and madness of our world today. No Fiscal Cliff will cause the gift to be returned. No Madness in a Sandy Hook will cause Him to be extinguished and returned. His Light Shines...even in the sadness and madness of our world today. Jesus is here. We gather because His Light Shines - born in the manger - here for you and for me - - not to use, or just to observe or even celebrate with or about - but to fully experience.

Come experience Him this Christmas - don’t just use this gift - live it the gift - and do so in Hope. Hope in the experience of Christmas - it is found in hope with Christ! My prayer for you this Christmas - well its simple:

That just like on that first Christmas morning - as the angels came hovering, the star came shining over that simple manger - that God’s Holy Spirit will hover over your family this Christmas. That you will experience - truly experience Christmas - with its hope, with its light, with its joy, with its peace. 'Cause if my prayer is heard - well - this will be your best Christmas !

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We Need His Light Like Never Before

On Thursday evening following our Advent Reconciliation Service, a mother and her small child remained in the Church. The mother was finishing her prayers and the child, a familiar face, was walking around as I returned chairs to their spots and extinguished candles. As I did his little voice blurted: “So what happens when the candles go out?” I paused, smiled and asked: “What do you mean ?” “On the wreath”, he quickly replied “I see you lite them, but what happens when the lights go out?” "Well”, I replied, “Advent goes on because of our prayers continue.”

This Friday, as we went about our Advent days and prayers - at 9:30am at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The lights went out. Not blown out by someone re arranging chairs, but blown out by an act of insanity and evil. A senseless crime which extinguished innocent lives at the start of their journey bringing to a conclusion the promised light which they could have brought to our world.

The unspeakable anger and bitterness within a human heart to have done this.
The destructiveness and danger of evil which is no respecter of the innocent.
The terrifying anguish and absolute heart breaking sorrow being experienced by families.

The myriad and plethora of questions which arise for each of us
The magnitude and scope of the sorrow which surface for all touched by this unspeakable crime.
The multiple and numerous lives which are forever affected

All of this is beyond what we can see, sense or even surface for ourselves.

We sat as the news broke with the re echoing question which seems to arise at moments such as these - "How could God allow such a horrific tragedy?" We may never discover the answer this side of heaven, but we know tragedy grieves the heart of God very deeply. Yet this we also do know - our light too has been shaken. Thought not intimately affected

■ Which of us on Friday after hearing the news did not call a loved one to ensure their safety?
■ Which of us entrusted with the care of children did not in our mind reflect what we could have done or would have done had we been faced with this evil act in our midst?
■ Which of us when the details came out did not think over our experiences at the same age and wonder if our lives today would be different if we had experienced what those in Newtown have?
■ Which of us when news reports brought more detail did not pause and ask ourselves - what is happening to our world and how did it get this way ?

Our light still shines, but it has been shaken.

Here we are Third week of Advent....The Way to Bethlehem has changed.... its not here we go again anymore. Or wait - in some ways it is

- the sadness of these Holy Innocents in Newtown and their grieving families is a wale heard before
- the shock and sigh of leaders, educators, first responders has been echoed before
- the shatteredness of lives which has ricocheted has been in view before

And that is why - this is purely and truly why - We need Advent, and Christmas, like never before. We all seek the same things we did when we started this journey to Bethlehelm, yet especially in this hour, the same goodness, the same strength and blessed comfort of the same God is something we need more than ever. They are needed today, tomorrow and over the days ahead in a fashion like we have never needed them before. Even more than they were at yesterday's dawn, in the midst of grief, anxiety, longing - there is something else - a desperation for that Light which can only come from above.

We need Advent, and Christmas, like never before. So we lite our Pink Candle - its symbolic of Joy and Hope. Let’s not miss Christmas Let’s not let Advent go by. Let’s not become halted by darkness, startled by the flash that occurs when a light goes out. Let’s lite the candles on the wreath, again and again and again, because we need it. Let’s string more lights on our tree this year then ever before, because we need it. Let’s permit our spirit even in darkness and sadness to be joy and  hope bound, because we need it - more than ever!

As my young friend’s mother finished her prayers and came to collect him in the midst of his questions about the candle going out, his final query was the most challenging. “Does it not become scary in darkness when all the lights are out in the church?” Pausing for a moment determining whether I should address his misunderstanding that I do not sleep in the back pew each night, I decided instead to say.

“Not all the lights go out." Pointing toward the red tabernacle candle I said “ that one is always on, because Jesus is always here.”

Today that is what we celebrate That is why we gather. That is what (who) we hope in. That His eternal, everlasting, never extinguishable Light is Here. It has not gone out - no act of evil can ever do that. May the Eucharist, our gathering, our prayer, our common strength, resolve and purpose - not only make a difference. May it also help us not miss the true light of Advent, and Christmas, We need like never before.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advent - it will go - F.A.S.T.

Two weeks ago some 40 people from our parish set off “On the Way to Bethlehem”. Now before you think a secret trip to bring about world peace has been going on thru the parish - it was actually to a fantastic display in Milton. It was put together by the area Churches and was not only very well done, but it was a reminder of that first journey. Though it was a frigid evening, and some struggle along the way - that too was a testament to what it must have been like.

Each year, during the season of Advent, the Church sets off on a journey. We begin to prepare our hearts and our minds for the coming of the Christ-child, so that this time He will have a proper place to be born. We think we know the way to Bethlehem; we can find it on the map, it's not that far from Jerusalem, by today's standards; shouldn't be a problem we think to ourselves.

But the problem is that so much has changed since our last visit. A whole year has passed, a year that brought many changes in our lives, some of them good, some of them not so good, some of them heartbreaking and others maybe groundbreaking. The geographic map of life has changed, and even old familiar places and faces don't seem the same any more. So maybe we could use a little help in finding our way back to Bethlehem this year. That is, if you still want to go.

See the freedom of the Season of Advent is that we can decide if we still want to go to Bethlehem. Sure we want Christmas - who wouldn’t want the modern Christmas of today - glitter, gifts, glee, but Advent reminds us that as Disciples of the Lord the Bethlehem we are travelling toward is not always all Merry and Nice. Sure there will be moments of egg nog cheer. Yes there will be occasions of wrappings and lights. Totally the times when we will share joy will be there. But let’s not forget that in our travel, well it has to be about Him too! And if its going to be about Him - let me just say to you that Advent with its four short weeks will go F.A.S.T. and sure enough that is the way to Bethlehem - FAST

It has to be about Forgiveness. Rejoicing in the pardon and peace with only God can give, putting aside the resentment we feel, the anger we have, the hatred we sense toward others and even events since we last walked this way.

It has to be about Adoration. Rejoicing in the presence of God - taking time for prayer. Taking time to pray for an understanding of all that has happened since we were on this road a year ago.

It has to be about Surrender. Giving over the map to the Lord - letting Him set the pace, allowing Him to share the burden of the journey and provide not only the rest stops but also the thru ways.

It has to be about Tenderness. Walking with a heart that is willing to see the least, the lost, the lonely and give from our abundance - knowing that there is an old saying that is ever so true - if you want to receive a blessing - than be a blessing!

So come on, grab your Red Stocking, walk side by side with me along. We are off to Bethlehem - it won’t require a plane or a visa. It won’t require a time change or even luggage. But I promise you if you are true to it - it will go FAST

Let us make this way - Advent - the way to Bethlehem - and let’s Forgive, Adore Him, Surrender often and be Tender many times. I promise you - at the end of it all - when the angels call our name - it will be the best Manger you have ever seen !

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent - Here We Go Again!

Here we go again !

If your honest that feeling, that sentiment, that statement has popped into your head. The month of December has arrived, the signs of the Season are around us, jingles are in the air and department store flyers are in our mailboxes. Here we go again ! It’s a natural feeling. We all fall victim to it. The hectic pace of the weeks to come, and all there is to do, make us say it. But alas, this is why we have Advent!

Advent, is our spiritual “getting ready” for Christmas period. We try to put into four weeks all the hoping, longing, preparing. In Advent, wait for Jesus:

...We wait for His grace and mercy, sure to come;
...We wait for Him to answer our prayers, sure He will, but unsure when, where, or how;
...We wait for reasons to explain suffering, struggle, and worries;
...We wait for Him to call us to be with Him for all eternity.

And, lest we forget, the Lord waits for us!

...Jesus waits for us to open up to His grace and mercy;
...Jesus waits for us to admit that, as a matter of fact, we do need a Savior!
...Jesus waits for us to admit that He is the answer to the questions our lives of searching pose.
...Jesus waits for our ultimate return to Him, for He “has gone to prepare a place for us.”

But waiting is a pain - we like action ! We prefer motion, movement. We get irritable if we have to wait in line, or for an appoinment, or even in traffic. So why do we wait ?

This week I went to the bank. I am sorry to report that the Bank was not giving out any free samples! I became perplexed, however, as I walked into the bank. I couldn’t figure it out. There was a Secuirty Guard there - just sitting - seemingly waiting and watching. Why I wondered - what are they looking for ? Who are they looking for. So, being the shy bashful person that I am - I asked him “What are you waiting for?” As the guard, whose name I discovered was Alex, stood in the freezing cold of last Friday night, he replied "I don’t know Father ! But when I see it - I will know!"
We are waiting.and in the busyness, in the “here we go again” moment, we don’t sometimes know for what. Yet in the waiting is the very arrival.Waiting makes us, alert, attentive, aware. It makes us  poised, prepared, present. It makes us focussed and above all it forces us to "savour for a saviour". 

Just like someone - “on guard” even during the frigid cold - duty bound, honour committed, we too as His Disciples - are invited to be waiting for that moment - that chance, that conversation, that casual encounter - where He will make Himself known, more clearly understood, more firmly focussed in our life ! The wait might make us say - here we go again. But in the wait is once again - that encounter with the Lord - parallelled by the Magi & Shepherds - that will help us see and be - His light!  

I sincerely hope that this Advent, you won’t mind the wait, even if at times you are not sure you know what you are waiting for - See Christ does:

He will use this wait to bless you - if you simply use the wait
He will use this wait to encourage you - if you simply don’t waste the wait
He will use this wait to bring you closer to Him - if you simply don’t worry about the wait

Just be determined this Advent to know that deep down inside, cradled in the soul, where no one but the One who counts can detect, is a moment for which God is waiting to be re-born in your life. We just have to wait to see it - embrace it and maybe even accept it. Advent can do that.

So here is your homework - for the next four weeks:

- when the traffic gets packed
- when the shopping line gets long
- when the picking up of your newspaper required chiracpractor care because of its thinkness
- when the extent of your patience is frilled
- when the desire to scream is real

Don’t say - "here we go again" - or worst - but rather - "Come, Lord Jesus!” - it will make the wait truly worth it !