Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Mission of My Life

The Mission of My Life

God has created me to do Him some definite service.
He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another.
I have my mission.
I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.
I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons.
He has not created me for naught.
I shall do good; I shall do His work.
I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place,
while not intending it if I do but keep His commandments.
Therefore, I will trust him,
whatever I am, I can never be thrown away.
If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him,
in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him.
If I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him.
He does nothing in vain. He knows what He is about.
He may take away my friends. He may throw me among strangers.
He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my future from me.
Still, He knows what He is about.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


All of us are concerned about the busyness of life. Many often remark that “there is no time for family, it’s life today.” As we approach the Season of Lent it is a great time to make a special Lenten Family Resolution to Guard against intrusion by focusing on intimacy in family life. Here are a few practical suggestions to keep family life healthy and to foster intimacy with each other.

Control the Family Calendar: Plan family events first and then try and schedule meetings and outside commitments, then when people demand excessive time, you can honestly respond: “I already have something scheduled.”

Take Charge of Your Electronics: Turn off the phone and turn on the answering machine during meals. People will leave messages. Turn off the noise, especially the television. It should be a reward, not an intrusion or constant companion. Instead, turn on good conversation.

Determine How You Will Start and Finish Each Day: Since all our lives are so busy, we should make sure we plan both ends of the day. Meet for family prayer time (e.g. Rosary) or share in some scripture. Be consistent. Simple things add peace, intimacy and memories for your family. Watch the sunrise together, cook French toast together, eat together.

Think of creative ways to help your family relax from the day’s activities. Play games after homework. Set aside prayer time before bedtime; enforce bedtimes. Both children and adults need rest and how we finish one day may determine how we begin the next.

Intrusion does not have to be a way of life. Intimacy can be. Refuse a life with a toxic schedule that can harm family and spiritual life. Accept a balanced approach which guards against intrusion and focuses on intimacy.

This Lent, let’s focus on Guarding against intrusion By focusing on intimacy in family life, it will make for a special Lent and a great Easter!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Come Home Weekend - Top 10 Reasons to Come Back

The weekend of February 16/17 is our annual "Come Home Weekend" here at St Mary of the Visitation Parish.  No matter how long you have been away from the Catholic Church, you can always come home. You can start going to Mass again (consider our parish) and become a part of a parish community that is ready to welcome you with open arms. We sure are! God is inviting you to dive into your faith in a deeper way than you ever have before.

You may already be feeling a strange inner pull to look into the Church again. That spiritual longing you feel is God drawing you back to Himself. God never forces; He only invites. He leaves the decision to return to the Catholic Church up to you.

There are numerous reasons for coming back to the Church. Though Christ is at the heart of the many reasons to come home to the Church, each individual’s experience in returning can be unique, depending upon whatever speaks to his or her heart.

Here are ten reasons (by Lorene Hanley Duqin of Our Sunday Visitor: and edited by Catholics Come Home):

Number 10: Because we want meaning in life.

In the hustle of today's busy lifestyles, many of us suddenly realize that our lives have lost a sense of meaning or purpose. We begin to ask ourselves, “What is my life all about? Why do I do what I do?” There is widespread confusion in our culture with regard to morality and truth. The Catholic Church offers a beacon of light that gives meaning to our existence and leads to eternal life if we persevere.

Number 9: Because childhood memories surface.

Some people say childhood memories of feeling connected to God surface in later life. We begin to ask ourselves, “Is it possible to recapture that simplicity of faith? Can I ever really believe that God is watching out for me?” The secularization of our society leads people away from the spiritual side of themselves. The Catholic Church offers BOTH religious and mystical experiences that feed the heart, the mind, the body and the soul AS WELL AS an array of active lay ministries that interface and interact with the secular world in order to make it a holier world to live in.

Number 8: Because we made mistakes.

Some of us become burdened with the weight of accumulated sin. We want to get rid of the guilt of having hurt others. We begin to ask ourselves, “Will God ever forgive me? Is there any way I can start over with a clean slate?” You can always tell God that you're sorry, but through the Sacrament of Reconciliation you have a complete assurance of God's forgiveness. In addition, you are reconciled not only with God but with all the members in the Church, the Body of Christ (CCC 1440) and given the grace to start again with that new slate.

Number 7: Because we need to forgive others.

Sometimes we hold on to anger and resentment toward individuals who have hurt us deeply. Maybe it was a family member or friend. Perhaps it was someone, (a sister or a priest), or something in the Church. “Will God ever forgive me?” Our modern culture condones and encourages anger and revenge. But hatred and bitterness are spiritual cancers that eat at the heart of a person. The Catholic Church provides the opportunity to seek God's help in forgiving others, even when the other person does not ask for forgiveness or does not deserve it. The ability to forgive is a gift that opens a person's heart more fully to God's love and peace.

Number 6: Because we want to be healed.

Some of us carry deep spiritual wounds. We struggle with anger at God over bad things that happen–a terminal illness, a debilitating injury, a broken relationship, mental or emotional problems, an act of violence against an innocent person, an unexplainable accident, some natural disaster, the death of a loved one or some other deep disappointment. The Catholic Church cannot change these situations or explain why they happened. But there are people in the Church who can assist in the process of spiritual healing and help you get on with your life.

Number 5: Because the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth and grace.

Many of us who leave the Catholic Church are blessed by the experience of worshiping for awhile in various Christian denominations. But some people come back when they realize that Catholicism has the fullness of truth and grace. The Catholic Church was not founded by a single reformer or historical movement. It is not fragmented by individual interpretations of Scripture. There are thousands of Christian denominations, but only one Catholic Church. This Church has been guided by the Holy Spirit and protected from teaching error on issues of faith and morals from generation to generation for some two thousand years, as Our Lord Jesus promised: (foretold Isaiah 22:15-25) Matt 16:13-20; Matthew 18:15-18 (in this verse the word is church, not community); 1 Tim 3:15.

Number 4: Because we want our children to have a faith foundation.

Some of us return to the Catholic Church because we recognize that raising children in a culture that promotes "doing your own thing" can lead to disaster. Children need to experience the spiritual dimensions of life. They need a structured system of belief and a firm moral foundation that goes beyond human logic and reasoning. We return because we want a solid foundation upon which our children can build their lives.

Number 3: Because we want to be part of a faith community.

Many of us seek a sense of belonging. But community is more than just friendly people, good sermons and interesting activities. A Catholic Christian community is a group of people who gather around the person of Jesus Christ to worship God and live in the light of the Holy Spirit. Catholics come together at Mass, in the Sacraments and in parish activities to pray, to celebrate joys, to mourn losses, to serve others, to provide support and to receive strength for daily life. A Catholic parish offers all of this - and much more - to people who recognize the importance of walking with others toward union with God.

Number 2: Because we want to help other people.

There are lots of opportunities within the secular world to volunteer. What's missing is the spiritual dimension that service within the Catholic Church provides. It's more than just a "feel good" activity. It's part of the "great commandment" (See Mark 12:28) to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. In reaching out to others, Catholic volunteers become instruments of God's love. The Catholic Church offers opportunities to touch the lives of people at home or around the world.

Number 1: Because we hunger for the Eucharist.

[The Eucharist is the number one reason that people come back to the Church.]

Many people come back to the Catholic Church because they feel an intense longing for the Eucharist. Sometimes it happens at a wedding, a funeral, a baptism, a First Communion or a Confirmation. Sometimes it happens when people are alone or facing difficulties in life. They describe it as a deep hunger for the spiritual nourishment that comes when they receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. This hunger for the Eucharist triggers a recognition of the presence of Christ in other sacraments, which draws them even more deeply into the practice of their faith. It is, without exception, the number one reason that people come back to the Catholic Church.

And what do we get in return? The Catholic Church offers union with Jesus Christ:

in the Scripture

in prayer

in the community of others

in the Eucharist

and in the other sacraments.

It offers spiritual support in good times and bad. It offers divine wisdom which is thousands of years old from people just like YOU who lived in each and every century throughout Christian history: 33AD, 100AD, 800AD, 1000AD, 1300AD, 1964AD and 2005AD. It offers meaning and purpose in this life and the promise of eternal life with Him after death for those who persevere to the end.

You'll know you are home when you begin to feel a deep sense of peace.   I personally invite you to join us for our Come Home Weekend - Mass times are Saturday at 5:00p.m., Sunday at 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am - join us ! There is a place for you and something for everyone!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Lord's Day is Pretty Important!

The Lord indeed invites us, as He invited the Apostles, to experience rest from our labors. This is possible not only in extended times of vacations. It is also the meaning and purpose of Sunday. Sunday should not be seen merely as part of the weekend, but as a Holy Day, the Day of the Lord. It is a day at the very heart of the Christian life, the day of Our Lord’s Resurrection. Sunday needs to be re-discovered in our culture and in our lives as Christians as truly the Day of the Lord. Blessed John Paul II called Sunday an indispensable element of our Christian identity.

At the very heart of Sunday (The Lord's Day) and keeping it holy is the celebration of the Eucharist. On this day, above all others, we gather together to commemorate Our Lord’s Resurrection. The Catechism teaches that the Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day and His Eucharist is at the heart of the Church’s life.

We keep Sunday holy by attending Sunday Mass and fulfilling that important obligation. Blessed John Paul II, is his apostolic letter Dies Domini (The Day of the Lord), wrote the following: Sharing in the Eucharist is the heart of Sunday, but the duty to keep Sunday holy cannot be reduced to this. In fact, the Lord’s Day is lived well if it is marked from beginning to end by grateful and active remembrance of God’s saving work. This commits each of Christ’s disciples to shape the other moments of the day -- those outside the liturgical context: family life, social relationships, moments of relaxation -- in such a way that the peace and joy of the Risen Lord will emerge in the ordinary events of life.

Come Join us at St Mary of the Visitation Parish for the Lord's Day - Saturday evening at 5:00p.m. and Sunday at 8:00a.m, 9:30a.m., and 11:00a.m. There is a place for you and something for everyone!