Its important for us to be honest ! Straight forward, truthful - especially with the people who are important in our life - even when the truth is difficult - sooner or later the truth is told !
A policeman pulls a driver over for severing in and out of lanes on the highway. He tells the driver to blow into a portable Breathalyzer. The man interrupts the officer,“ I can’t do that officer, I’m asthmatic. I could get an asthma attack if I blow into the tube”
Ok, the officer, trying to accomodate says " we will have you come into the police station and we will give you a cup and..." The driver interrupts the officer, "I can’t do that I am a diabetic and I could get low blood sugar if I go into a cup. "
The officer then says - "alright, we could get a blood sample then." The man interrupts the officer, "I can’t do that either because I am a hemophiliac. If I give you blood, I could die."
Then the officer said - "Sir, just get out of the car and walk this white line of the road way." The man interrupts the officer, "I can’t do that either officer." Totally flustered the officer asked - "Why not?" The man replies - "Because I’m drunk!"
Sooner or later the truth is told !
Truth be told ! The explosions of the past week in Boston raise many questions, especially for parents, people of faith, and generally anyone just looking for answers!
We cannot help but look at an act of violence that was not random but a very calculated and ask, “Why?” Why would someone do such a thing? While we are relieved that the people who executed the bombings were caught, we never will really understand why people choose to do such things.
Truth be told - it is a mystery ! The only explanation for such acts is the reality of evil. Evil is a mystery. We can never completely understand it.
However, here are two truths we do know !!!!
One, that the two brothers who did this horrific act somehow were deceived that this was a good idea or that somehow such an action was justified. Our thoughts drive our emotions and eventually drive our actions. Somehow in their mind they came to think their actions were somehow justified or right or even in some warped way good.
The human mind can go totally and completely wrong if not fixed on what is good and true and beautiful and divine. Thus the reason why in the Gospel (John 10:27-30) of today Jesus says to His followers; “ I am the Good Shepherd; My sheep hear my voice.” We must be attentive to the influences of our lives and our hearts.
What we say; how we say it, who we surround ourselves with, what we watch or even what we surf and check out - does influence us ! It becomes a voice that competes with the Good Shepherd. What we believe can’t just be founded upon our good feelings, a catchy saying, or what we think is right or what feels right at that moment:
- it must be rooted - rooted in Jesus Himself!
- it must be planted - planted in the Scripture and Traditions of the Church
- it must be tended - tended by daily prayer, honouring the Lord’s Day, regular participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation which keeps us accountable not to ourselves - but to our Shepherd and His will and way for our life !
The second truth we know is this - That God can bring good out of evil.
Remember where we have been in our Easter Season so far:
Easter Sunday: Jesus was anything but Ordinary & Routine! He handles pressure cookers
Divine Mercy Sunday: Even in our unbelief - Thomas - The King Still Has One More Move
3rd Sunday of Easter: We are called to Be Bold - live a caffeinated faith that leads us to answer “Yes Lord I love you” - even when the world is mixed up !
When Jesus saw evil, He brought good out of it - The Cross and The Tomb prove that! Evil can inflict wounds, it did even on the body of the Son of God - His hand, His feet, His side. But it does not have the final word. The Cross and The Tomb prove that!
Evil can believe that it won the day - Apostles stoned by crowds, St Peter crucified on a tree, St Paul beheaded, Martyrs killed, Saints slain - but the Church and the Christian faith prove that Christ would have the last word thru the good it does, the kindness we shows, the faith we are called to be witnesses to!
★ God can always, always, always bring good out of evil.
★ God can bring redemption out of pain and suffering as he did through the cross.
★ Bringing good out of evil is what God does.
Truth be told - there will be evil in our world - there is evil in our world; no excuse will take that way and that is why this is not called Heaven and this is not our final home.
But evil does not have to have the last word; and this is why we are His people, the sheep of His flock - listen to Him in the chaos, look for Him in the confusion, seek Him in the catastrophes. My sheep hear my voice - don’t stop listening - because He is still speaking - He has the last word - and that is the truth !