Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer - its time for M.T.C.

The start of summer often means - well its time - for a road trip! Whether it is a short trip from a small town to a big city for the weekend, a coast-to-coast marathon to see part of Canada in a small over-packed car, or a backpacking Euro-rail adventure - which ever it is - a road trip is often an adventure - and maybe even a first step in finding our own unique life path.

No matter our age, adults and the aged, there is nothing like a road trip to get us out of our familiar, comfortable ruts, and give us a new perspective on the world. Yet road trips don't come with guarantees of safety and success.  Road trips come with potholes and pitfalls, genuine dangers, and encounters with the unknown and unpredictable.

In the Gospel of today - Luke 9- 51-62 Jesus starts off on the ultimate road trip — his journey to Jerusalem and to the cross. The world views this journey as the epitome of a "bad trip” — a trip that ended in Jesus' betrayal, rejection, torture, and death. But Jesus' disciples — whether in the first century or the twenty-first century — view this Jerusalem road trip as something quite different: the start of a great journey that transformed the life paths of all subsequent generations who have followed Jesus.

But here is the question - if you knew that your road trip would end in what the world would think is failure - would you go on it ? If you knew that your road trip would conclude with the termination of your life - would you engage in it ? If you were aware that your road trip would mean sacrifice, surrender, and so called death - would you be prone to begin it ? Yet Christ did - so why - I think for two reasons - and these two reasons should guide our summer

1. Christ knew the Father had a plan

Several times in scripture we hear it references that Jesus had His faced set toward Jerusalem. He was pointed in the direction of the Father. He was determined to walk the way of the Father. He was open to who He met, but toward the way of the Father is where He must go. Over and over Jesus does good in town after town, but He does not rest on His accomplishments, He presses on because toward Jerusalem He must go !  This has only one explanation - because He believed the Father was sending Him there for a reason.

As the road trip of summer begins for you

- do you believe that God Has something He wishes to show you
- do you consent that God Has as plan for the next several months for you
- do you concur that though schools are closed, summer hours begin in many places, routine slows, pace ponders a bit more - that God is still at work - full time - every day ?

Is your face still set toward His will for your life ?

But here is the second thing that guided Christ - and us should guide us also - I call it M.T.C.

2. Make Today Count

Jesus knew where He was going - the destination of the road trip was clear - faithfulness to the Father was the GPS direction and the Jersusalem the home port. So Jesus went about each day - MTCing - He Made Today Count.

- He feed those who needing feeding
- He healed those who needing healing
- He taught those who needed teaching
- He embraced those who needed embracing
- He scolded those who needed scolding
- He touched those who needed touching

- His destination was set - His path was firm - His will was certain
- His determination was concrete = His will was iron

He didn’t worry about so many of the things we worry about; because His Mission was set. Jesus just had to be faithful; and so He Made Today Count; and truth be told; that is all we need to do too. Toward the conclusion of being who the Father was calling Him to be - that was the road trip

What a road trip we would have this summer - if we MTC’ed it all summer long !

Make today count - have a picnic lunch with your spouse, child, grandchild
Make today count - go for a walk in the evening with someone important in your life
Make today count - break that diet and have a scoop of ice cream with your child, grandchild
Make today count - run around in the park, playground - sure your muscles will hurt tomorrow but your memory will say - yes I’m glad we did that

I hope your road trip this summer will be amazing - and it can be - if like Jesus you simply do two things:

Trust that the Father has a plan - so don’t sweat the small stuff
Make Today Count

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Love a Good Story

We all love a good story. In fact at times a good story makes aspects of ourselves come alive; they touch our hearts, enact reflection in our lives and maybe even make us in thought go where we might not have gone otherwise. Have you ever told anyone - your story ? In many ways that is exactly what Jesus was asking the Apostles in the Gospel of today (Luke 9:18-24).

You see the Apostles had been traveling with Jesus - maybe about a year at this point - and Jesus wondered if they were getting it or not - did they understand who He was - what His story was all about ? So Jesus asked them “who do people say that I am ?” He got a variety of tales, but then Christ the most important question - “who do you say that I am?” It was Peter who declare it - “You are the Christ !”. Jesus must have thought - wow - they get it - they know my story !

But that is not where the story ends. Then Jesus told them the next step - because you know my story - you will have to take up the same cross that I do and follow me

- you are going to have to become like me
- you are going to have to do the things that I do
- you are going to have to undertake the values, the vision that I do

Here is what I have discovered: The more I walk with Jesus - the more I understand Jesus - the more I understand my own story.

This week as we were undertaking the first exciting step of Generations - which is the new im pactful chapter of our parish life, a rather bitter person from another Church came up to the workers and I who were making room for more join us with our new parking spaces across the road and said “so you must really be trying to covert a lot of people.” I smiled and said - I am not into conversions I am about conversations - and all we are doing is making room for more of that to take place.

My friends - that is our story - we are about advancing the conversation of Jesus - telling His story. Our extra parking spaces, our children and youth wing, our additional staff, our lay leadership, our continued stewardship of our resources - is not about kicking open the doors of conversion and saying do you know Jesus, - but providing opportunities for the conversation to take place. For the more I walk with Jesus - the more I understand Jesus - the more I understand my story/our story

Part of our story is about advancing the conversation. You and I don’t have to convince anyone of anything. I don’t have to come up with a list of 5 people that I am going to convert. I am just going to come up with a list of who I might invite to come and see. It’s Jesus job to convince the heart - and He does it well. Its our job to live like He did - and do it well....and if we get it - His story - and live by ....if we get it His story - and adopt His vision and values.....if we walk with Jesus - you have opportunities dropped into your lap where you can speak of Jesus. Where you can tell His story and how His story has changed your story - its not about conversion - it about conversation !

Your story does not have to be intense. His story is intense - He died the painful death of the cross - your story just needs to be a conversation. You don’t have to committed murder- to have known a heart of darkness & how Jesus changed it. You don’t have declared yourself as an atheist - to have known real doubts & how Jesus changed it. You don’t have to have been kidnaped - to have known loneliness & how Jesus changed it. You don’t have to have been in jail - you have known a prison by sin & how Jesus changed it. If by your actions - walk with Jesus faithfully - live by His vision and values - and this summer - make room for and tell His story by what you do - you will be shocked at the conversations ! He will take care of the conversions!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Being a Man of Steel

One of the most anticipated blockbuster movies of the summer is released! It is finally here! Man of Steel - the epic new production of the Superman story - it has arrived. Not only do I like Spiderman, but I am a Superman fan - in fact before I wanted to be anything - I probably wanted to be Superman!

I rooted for Superman against all odds and every size of criminate. Whether it was the comic strip Jerry Siegel first drafted, or the TV George Reeve in his saggy suit or Christopher Reeves in his vilant pursuit - I was there as a child - cape made of a pillow case on my back - cheering Superman on! There is something about being known as the Man of Steel which screams out - you can tackle anything and never fail.

As we honour Dad’s this weekend in a particular way; we believe that our dad’s are men of steel, but we also know that to be a man of steel in faith in the world of today - wow it’s a battle against a whole planet of criminate! Yet for Men, for Dads;

✓ God’s word is a beacon here that Dad’s need
✓ In the Eucharist - the Blessed Sacrament - is the strength Dad’s must have.
✓ And our common prayer as we gather on this Lord’s Day - well is the powerful cape that will truly let every dad leap tall buildings in a single bound. There is power in this hour together. There is a strength that comes when we are here in prayer as one.

So briefly I want to address this to all dads and men of God - - and if your not a dad: be praying for your dad:

  • If your dad is still living - that God’s grace might touch him and strengthen him.
  • If your father is with the Lord - that God will be embraced your dad today with a special glance of love by the Lord.
  • If your dad and you- well had differences, huge rifts or a cavernous emptiness due to abandonment or because of human failing & sinfulness - ask God’s forgiveness to touch all today.
In the promo for the new Superman movie is a moment in which Clark Kent has arrived at point of knowing there is something special about his abilities. He can do things nobody else can - including well fly - and he arrives at a moment where he kneels to the ground - sets his face toward the sky and places his fist to the ground, and with an intensity and force from within, shakes the earth, rises the dust and with a strength from his very inner core Superman rockets into the air for the first time. But just before, however, is a very telling moment. As he kneels - he decides his strength will not be used for him but for others.

St Paul,  (Gal 2:16,19-21) says “ I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I but Christ who lives in me.” St Paul came to that point has he knelt not on earth but in the presence of His God, St Paul realized that God had placed a burden on his heart to live not for himself but to use his gifts, his talents, his abilities for the Kingdom of God. St Paul set his faced toward the sky and decided who he was living for.

Dad’s - Men of God - who are you living for ?

 Is it the power of a career?
 Is the prestige of a neighbour?
 Is the precarious trap of wealth, worldly success?
 Is it the pit of selfishness found on a internet screen, a chat room or a relationship not rooted in Gospel values?
 Is it the pith of vocabulary with other men that builds not the dignity of other people?

To be a man of steel is to decide who you will live for?

David - a King - believe to be a man of steel - in (2 Sam 12. 7-10, 13) had failed. He wandered in his actions and choices from God - and he went to the Prophet Nathan - a true man of steel - and said why has this happened to me? Nathan said to David because you forgot you have been anointed.

Dad’s - Men of God - when the burden of responsibility of leading a home, providing for it, and being a role model of Gospel values within it, seems to become too great. When you feel alone or unsupported - remember this - you have been anointed by God for the role you have, and God will give the grace for you to be faithful. But you must turn to Him, and decide before Him

 That you will use your abilities, talents, strengths to build up a home that will honour God.
 That you use hear the sound from heaven and allow God to lead you to be the type of dad, husband, role model to your children and grandchildren, that He has burned into your heart.
 That you will allow the power of a rushing wind of His love for you, permit you to remember that even when you fail you can arise, begin again because you have been anointed!

It takes you deciding to be a Man of Steele, to bend a knee every day, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament if you can - but anywhere - and look up to heaven and with a determination that shakes the earth and rises the dust of mediocrity to instead with an inner convinction proclaim “it is no longer I but Christ who lives in me.”

At the end of the day Dad’s you might not in reality be Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive or even able to leap tall buildings in a singlebound, but ..... you can still change the course of the mighty rivers in the life of your family. You can still bend the steel of disharmoney in your home with your bare hands. You can still undertake the fight for the never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the Gospel Way. If you do - well then - you are a Man of Steel!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Corpus Christi Sunday - The Blueprints of God's Vision - Step 3 - Be Molded by Him

Today is Corpus Christi Sunday and we conclude our series of reflections called “Blueprints for a Bigger Vision.” A Vision is a picture of the future which produces passion. God has a blueprint, a vision for you and me! His vision for us in beyond what we can imagine, understand, undertake - at least without His guidance.

Two weeks ago we looked at “Where to Start?”, and determined that we need to be people who are looking for ways to understand the language of God. God is speaking to us - like He spoke to the Apostles and Disciples in the Upper Room, and helping us to expand our language and understanding of what His Vision for Us is. Last week we reflected on “The Characteristics of a Godly Vision” that God’s plan requires trust and a Willingness to be Lead and that It Gives Him Glory. Today we look at how to be a people committed to “Overcoming Obstacles”.

I attended Catholic School. I was taught by some wonderful religious Sisters and lay teachers, and had some impactful experiences of being taught about the faith and about Jesus, but as I look back at it now, I was not told how to actually meet Jesus. The excellent teachers taught me the catechism very well, and when Monsignor came into the room to test us, we knew the answers very clearly, but I am not sure, again as I look back, if I understood what I was saying. In my years of high school I struggled at Mass because I wanted to be introduced - evangelized - and told about Jesus, but the celebration of Mass presupposed I knew all about Him already. I wanted to understand how He impacted my life and how His story spoke to what I was going through in life. I wanted His friendship, but I only knew where He was not who He was, and in the impatience of my youth, I’m not sure I was willing to give Him the time to introduce Himself.

The first thing we must do to overcome obstacles, is we must be willing to Meet Jesus and to Stay with Him.

To follow Him, we must be willing to meet Him and to stay a while. This takes the investment of time - in Adoration, in Prayer of Thanksgiving, in a conversation of Petition. It takes courage - a courage to not take a short cut, but walk the whole way. It takes work - St Ignatius calls them the Spiritual Exercises for a reason -but it’s a worthwhile work which introduces someone to us - in a friendship - and pulls back the curtain of doubt to reveal not a series of rules, but the Source of all answers, and even more so, all Hope.

Pope Benedict XVI's 2005 encyclical letter "Deus Caritas Est" (God is Love), and sums up beautifully "Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.”  Do you know Him or About Him? Have you met Him or heard of Him? Have you stayed with Him? Have you made an ethical choice as a Christian to follow Him or have you met the Person and decided to love Him ?

• This is where Eucharistic Adoration is such a blessing.
• This is how meeting in a small group of individuals, couples, men, women to discuss the Sunday scriptures and how they apply to your vocation or state of life is so enriching.

We have both of them in the parish - if you are not part of that - come see me for details.

Second, step in Overcoming Obstacles as we seek to Follow God’s Vision - is we must be Molded by Jesus. Nothing can be molded unless it is in the hand of the one doing the molding. Is our life in His hands? Are we willing to let Him take control?  This requires surrender and will demand sacrifice. But its so worth it!

This week I spent a full day at St Benedicts Secondary School doing visits with various classes. Here is the question - aren’t you lonely - don’t you wish you had a wife and kids - I replied - “I have lots of wives and lots of kids” - their eyes popped open wide ! I am a part of every family in this parish - I rejoice when you do, cry when you do, I watch your kids grow up - this year I gave Holy Communion to children that I held as infants, and have watched teens I baptized be confirmed and young adults I welcomed into the faith in the RCIA be married. I love the priesthood, and my choice of this vocational life, and I would not trade it with anyone ever ! I love being your Pastor!

The video of my priestly ordination shows a remarkable thing that I did not realize. In the priestly ordination ceremony the priest lays down before the altar during the litany of saints just before the Bishop imposes his hands on you. During that rite - I am laying in the centre of the Cathedral sanctuary and all of a sudden just as the song is finished, I bounce up. I remember - the litany was done - the prayer had been said - the Bishop was waiting to impose his hands and inside I said “ let’s go!” and I guess it showed. I wanted to be molded - surrender, sacrifice, obstacle aside - I wanted to be molded !

To be molded by Him means that we begin to look like Christ, take on the image of Christ, become recognized as Him by others. If someone tells me I look like Brad Pitt, my ego might be fed for a fleeting few minutes, it would also result in me questioning the person’s vision. But if someone tells me I look like Christ, that means my eternal life is being fed - and that is so much more important!

• Do people ever "mistake you" for Christ ? Do you want to be ?

Are you committed to this wonderful process of being a part of the Blueprints of His Vision for you - molded to look like Him; all the while with abundant joy and great anticipation becoming who He made you to be because you know Him.

• Get started in Prayer by learning His Language.
• Get Going on the Characteristics by Making Sure your Life is dedicated to His Glory.
• Get Molded by Him - and be determined that people will mistake you for Him