Shorter days,
colourful, falling crunching leaves, and a flurry of post Thanksgiving activities, each indicate that a change of seasons is once again here. Of
course that also means a new round of activities to participate in. As a parish family , over the last two weeks we have examined a
profound question which we all at some stage of life ask: “What’s the Point?”
If you have ever been hurt or disappointed then this message
series will impact you. At its core, it’s on how to deal with disappointment and strife. As we look at this
important question I encourage you to invite a friend or neighbour to be part of
the series- after all our parish family is all about offering every person in our
community a life changing encounter with Jesus
In the Gospel of Matthew 23:1-10,12 Jesus is asking His Disciples not what they want to
be when they grow up, He is not even asking them directly what the point. But Jesus
is challenging them to reflect upon the lens through which they see things. Their
lives had become so complicated and complex - so out of control and filled with
options that were not life giving and they did not know the point of it all
anymore. They lacked humility and instead lived in the hubris of self. They
were caught up in title and short term gain, but Jesus
reminds us of the call to be a people who know our point not by seeking thing,
but by knowing Him:
- that the answer to being dismayed in life is not found is redefining
- that the answer to being dis-wayed
in life is not found is redesigning
- that the answer to being
discouraged in life is not found repurposing
But the answer
to discovering what the Point is found in being reacquainted with Christ.
In the Gospel of Matthew
25:1-13, Jesus tells a parable about ten bridesmaids. At that
time, a bride and groom would get married in one location and then move to the
wedding feast or reception, just as we do today. However, the bridesmaids in that
time had a different job than they do today. They had a definite service of
having torches that burned with oil to light the procession so people could see
where they were going.
The uncertainty, vulnerabilities of life and complexity
of life can either cause anxiety or lead us to ask “What’s the Point?” Or they call
us to being a Disciple who has the light of Christ ready to shine and share. Pray
for the grace to know the definite service God has given you to serve Him today
and for the whole of your life.