Saturday morning came really quick, especially for the boys in our group who got only a few hours of sleep in between their pranks and singing. The cows mooing outside the tent at 5am didn't help either. Saturday's breakfast was pretty good - muffins, milk and the sort...then more music from the Mustard Seeds and a skit by the teen leaders there called the Disciples. Mass was our first official event. Father Dan VanDelst led us and encouraged us to be rooted in the Christ by being close to His Word. Then after a break the girls went off to a talk by Angie Regnler on what it means to be a Daughter of God and Chris Bray led the guys in a talk on what it means to be a Man of God. Lunch followed - and what a lunch - hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, lasagna - it was great - plus ice cream for dessert.
Our Saturday afternoon, in the midst of beautiful weather, had us going to two great talks..Father Tom Dowd spoke about "If God is good, why is there evil in the world?" After a short break we listened to Angie Regnier speak on "Judging People". Both were kind of deep but their message was clear. Then we had some free time. Some choose volleyball, football, meeting new people and for others (especially some of the boys) catching up on sleep.
At 3:00 p.m. it was Talent Show time and Jon and Kyle did us proud with their guitar performance of a song from Creed. The photo is above - ya we know its not that clear. Even though Jon wouldn't do his unique version of "Black Bird" - we were really proud of them both for keeping the tradition of Da Crew being in the Talent Show now for two years straight. Supper was great after that...Roast Beef...it was amazing that we could even go up for seconds.
Saturday evening was so powerful. We had Eucharistic Adoration led by Father James Mallon. It was prayerful, and even though we knelt on the grass for almost two hours, it was worth it being in the presence of the Lord. After that many of us took advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation available by over 10 priests who were present, including our own Father Freitas. They were there til Midnight. Music continued in the main tent for a while, and lots of time to mingle with people from different spots. Lights out at Midnight...and after this full day I bet even the boys will fall asleep a little quicker tonight - uncle Bruce will be really happy with that..for some reason Auntie T says she is sleeping real well.