The last couple of weeks have been rewarding in our parish community;we have been looking at Being Connected. Week # 1 we asked What are you connected to : The Prophet Ezekiel - in a watchtower - taught us that we need in our daily walk with God to honour Him by being connected; not just running to Him when the winds come; but letting Him walk with us and we walk with Him. The Letter to the Romans as our template told us that love is the motivating factor for our walk, and that when we gather as two or three in the name of Jesus, it helps us to be focused and finessed in Seeing the Face of God...after all .....that is what we are connected to.
Week # 2 we asked Who are you connected to: We reflected on the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross and reminded that we live in a pressurized society, and that trying to muddle through life on your own is tough - we are going to get blown back and forth every day by the winds of life. We all need a place to belong, we all need a place to share our burdens and to be connected.
Having something for everyone, is not a slogan we have, it is who we are called to be - a people connected to God and to one another. Our relationship with each other has a lot to do with our relationship with God. So we walk seeking to see the face of God...with one another, and thru one another...connected to Christ.
This coming Sunday we ask a vital question atop of the important questions we have looked at already - we ask - WHY BE CONNECTED. We are spending this time doing this because it gives us a chance to re think where we are, and ask if we need to take our walk with Christ to a new level of being connected. Come join us in our journey.