Begun in September 2006 by our Pastor, Father Freitas, Kids Klub is the elementary school aged youth group of our parish community. We have over 50 young people (Grade 5-8) show up twice each month for a Friday night of fun ! In fact our slogan is “If it’s Friday Night, its Kids Klub Night” because we don’t want anyone to miss out. Our focus is fun, but also faith and friendship. Service, and our Service Squad, are a big part of what we do at Kids Klub. Here is a summary
January 2008: We held our Jamin’ Jamaican Night. We conquered the cold with beach wear and fun activities (in door of course) plus we prepared some “Exam Survival Kits” which were to be given to parish high school students before they began their First Semester Exams. These offered some words, and snacks, of encouragement. January would not have been completed without a great Gym Riot, basketball, floor hockey and lots of sporting fun to top off our time.
February 2008 - was Fabulous !: We ventured outside for our Outdoor Gym Riots, some tobogganing and hot chocolate made for some adventurous times. Later in the month we led the Stations of the Cross as we entered the Season of Lent, and Lent would not be complete without our annual Lenten Bowl a Rama in which we raised $911.00 for Share Lent and then to top off the month, a trip to the Toronto Raptors !
Then in March, a Gym Riot brought us back to routine with a few extra special Easter door prizes won and crafts to be made. Speaking of Easter, well April had lots of excitement, Survivor Scavenger Hunt (was a grown up version of an Easter Egg hunt with lots of spunk and spirit; then we had Air Band Night, where teams got together to put on their own verison of Canadian Idol.
May was marvellous as we got rolling with a Gym Riot, with our favourite evening closer - Dodge Ball and then May Madness followed with lots of tournaments, play offs and even Pizza at the end. Then June - well - its was our Trip to Canada’s Wonderland - fabulous !
Our summer hosted “Rock the Block” in August - a three day long of Kids Klub Night - with activities that were really just amazing; Discipleship: It’s the Sweet Life was our theme and we had Mountain Monday with a 24ft Rock Wall, Tuesday Trip Ticket with Ontario Place as the destination, Wet Wednesday with some wonderful, water filled activities. At the end the 25 participants had a great three days.
The Fall got off to great start in September with Kids Kaos and just under 80 young people out for the first evening. The we had our first ever Fabulous Football Frenzy at Forbes Park. This year as part of our focus on Service, we undertook to sponsor an orphan child in Haiti. We introduce the Coin Can and gave Kids Klub members the chance to place loose coins when they come. Kids Klub members also worte cards to our sponsorsed child. During 2008, Kids Klub raised $158.00
Then our first Gym Riot in October had us host the largest Dodge Ball Game ever in Kids Klub history! During October we also held our 3rd annual Blanket Brigade in which we gathered 26 blankets for the homeless at the Bridges Shelter in Galt. This was followed by Power Hour which was non stop action, then a Trip to Playdium which sold out. November had us host the “Battle of the Volleyball” and Wildside Night launch our Faith Factor evenings and our Red Stocking Campaign, which help us collect school supplies for schools in Africa aided by Canadian Food for Children. Some 28 Red Stockings were gathered. We closed off December with St Nicholas Night - which was so much festive fun !
2008 - has been Amazing - thanks to all who are a part of Kids Klub - we can't wait to get going on 2009 !!