This weekend, was just Amazing ! The goodness this parish showed towards its neighbours (especially those in need) was wonderful. Parishioners of all ages working together on during the day on Saturday to take items from our parish centre to a storage facility and preparing our centre for construction which began this past week. At the same time another group of parishioners was busy wit a shed which was donated and built for the Carmelite Sisters. At the same time, we were able to provide a vanload of items to Michael House, and a truck load filled for the St. Vincent de Paul Store and household items for Bridges Shelter. Another group prepared a wonderful supper for the Out of the Cold Program serving and feeding about 70 people.
Then on Saturday evening ... a beautiful May Crowning Mass with the memorable presence of children in First Communion attire, bringing forth flowers to honour our Blessed Mother. On Sunday morning, couples celebrated their Anniversaries of Married Life with great tenderness.
A Parish Feast Day tells not only of the patron we celebrate, but of those who are celebrating. The Feast of the Visitation is about welcome, caring for our neighbour and nourishing Christ within. The Parish of Our Lady of the Visitation - all of you - definitely is about welcoming others (we do that every weekend); but last weekend, there was no doubt we demonstrated the care and love of neighbour. As a result of both, Christ’s presence was nourished (within us and in those we helped). It was what a Feast Day should be.