I am not sure if you know this or not, but one of the first inate desires of a new born child is to walk. Once the baby discerns they have feet - they want to use it - thus the reason why a child kicks in the womb.
When I was attending the Grade 8 graduations last week at our parish schools one of the common comments from parents was - just seems like yesterday they were walking for the first time on their own. All parents here - can related to the feeling that there is nothing as exciting as watching your baby go from a snuggly little lump you cradle in your arms to a roller, then a crawler, then a "cruiser," and finally a walker?
Babies seem absolutely driven to get on their feet. No matter how many times they tumble and topple, crash and burn, bump and bruise. Standing upright, walking and running with a straight back and straight legs is their goal. It is this posture that sets us apart from all other living creatures on earth. Or is it?
There is another position that reveals even more about the uniqueness of being human. Standing up defines our most remarkable physical gift. Kneeling down reveals our most miraculous spiritual gift. If you're a disciple of Jesus, to move up, move down - knelling is a spiritual gift we have. The future is on our knees; not on our feet. Insects crawl; fish swim; birds fly; humans pray. Praying, with body, heart, mind, and soul, is the hallmark of humanity.
We spend just one year learning how to stand on our own two feet, it can take us a lifetime to learn how to get back down on our knees?
In our Gospel Jesus sends His Disciples out on their own for the first time - not on a Vacation per say - but to walk on their own - to go forth. They had graduated of sort from being a crawler or cruiser who simply followed Jesus along the way -to a person who was now ready to walk on their own. Yet its interesting that Jesus said to them in our Gospel - don’t take much with you ?
★ Not sure about you but before I go any where - I make sure I have everything I need
★ Before I go on vacation - I make sure I got all my stuff packed
★ Before I even go for an evening walk - I make sure I have anything I might require with me
But Jesus says - you are going for a different type of walk - not one on your own; you are going for a walk and I will be with you - - not physically - spiritually. Just because you have the ability and the freedom - doesn’t mean you can do on your own - walk carefully with me - depend on me and spend some time not only upright but also on your knees
The summer time is a time of walking - we do lots more of that in the summer than any other time of the year - no doubt - evening strolls - vacation outings - beach or shore side adventures. It is all there; and sometimes that freedom gives us the tempation to think - well - we don’t need our knees - yet Jesus said to His Disciples - as you go forth - on a mission - you can walk now on your own - but don’t forget to depend on me - now that you know how to walk; don’t forget how to kneel.
Maybe as His Disciples today who are on Mission everyday thru Baptism
Maybe during this season in which we will do a lot more walking
Maybe during this time and age in which we will do lots on our own
- we might not also forget
The future is on our knees; not on our feet.
That our salvation is found not only in what we do during the walk - but also in the times we choose to kneel