The month of February has been an active and very blessed one in the life of our parish; it has also been a busy one in the life of its Pastor, so sorry for not posting in a few weeks; here are some highlights from the month of February.
February 6th was the launch of our parish "E Newsletter" - " Sursum Corda " which translates“Lift up Your Hearts”, comes from the opening dialogue to the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer in the Mass and dates back to at least the 3rd century. The dialogue is recorded in the earliest liturgies of the Christian Church, and is found in all ancient rites, and is one of the most ancient exchanges in liturgy between the priest and the people. As I begin this first weekly “E Newsletter”; I thought it to be a good title for I wish this exchange between myself - your priest - and you - my family - to be about lifting our hearts together in the Lord’s Service.
Our youth ministry has been busy in February - our
Kids Klub has been reaching out to over 50 Grade 5-8 young people each Friday night with some fun and faith; this included a Raptors Game this month. Speaking of youth, don’t forget our Fundraising Opportunity with Boston Pizza which was announced last week - check the Church Entrance for additional information and flyers if you missed out on the details. Speaking of Pizza - well -
Pizza with Padre is our outreach to our Confirmation Candidates as part of our Activ8 group. It will be on February 19th and February 26th in our Parish Centre, and is an opportunity, not only for our young people to interact with me, but also for our high school youth ministry (Da Crew) members to do some modelling as small group leaders. Please pray for the success of these two evenings and for all we do in Youth Ministry at our parish.
Stewardship weekend was held and was a great chance foremost to give thanks to Almighty God for the blessings He has given to our parish community especially this past year of 2010. We continue to grow as a parish family and it is such a joy every weekend to welcome new faces to our family table!
Our Spaghetti Supper was held on
February 13th and was a great celebration and a very successful one. Congratulation to our outstanding Fundraising Committee for the excellent job which they did in organizing this “Super Bowl of Pasta”. So many happy, and sauce stained, faces commented on the great food, the great number of young families present and the great feeling of family – it was a joy and another great testament to the outstanding Family of Faith we have here at St Mary of the Visitation!
Our 4th Annual –
Road Hockey and Roast Beef afternoon will be held on February 27th. The Wize Guys are seeking to make their “hat trick” of three years of victories into a four year dynasty. Da Crew is seeking to put to an end what they call “an injustice”. I hope you will come and cheer on our high schoolers and men as they are a part of this wonderful fraternal time together, the puck is dropped at 2:00pm in our Parish Centre parking lot.
40 Days for Life is an annual opportunity to stand and witness to the sacredness of the gift of life and the tragedy of abortion. St Mary of the Visitation Parish will be taking Saturday April 2, 2011 as our day; this is a first for us. Sign up sheets are in the Parish Centre. I encourage your participation.
Well, that is just the highlights - lots more going on. Remember there is something for everyone at St Mary of the Visitation - and there is a place for you!