Is winter hard to endure because it’s dark or because it’s cold? In the dark, we can’t see and easily become disoriented. In the cold, we can’t grow or live. People need light and they need warmth. Disciples of Jesus need faith to see what physical eyes alone cannot discern, and they need charity, love that gives supernatural life that lasts forever. Our souls are sometimes in winter, uncertain about what they believe and isolated from God’s love. Then we yearn for the springtime.
Remembering God’s goodness to us in the past, we know the spring will come and, with it, light and warmth.It hard to believe that the month of February almost over, but with that disbelief does come the promise of Spring not being far off. Seasons do change, and so too Liturgically, on March 9th we begin the Season of Lent – that’s the date of Ash Wednesday this year. A reminder that Ash Wednesday Mass is at 8:00am and 7:00pm. Liturgies of the Word will also be held at our two parish schools.
On another note, today we had our Annual Road Hockey Tournament - Wize Guys (Men's Groups) vs Da Crew (High Schoolers). Congratulations to the Wize Guys who are the owners of "the Golden Stick" four years in a row. Our high schoolers had the greatest turnout yet of players - awesome! A great roast beef dinner was had by all participants after - a great time - thanks to all you came !