On the First Sunday of Advent (November 27th) the English translation of the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal will be implemented across the English-speaking world. We will notice that the English translation is more faithful to the original Latin text than the current words we use during the celebration of Mass. The work of translating and implementing this new translation has taken many years to complete. Some of the responses of the people will change, as will many of the sung parts of the Mass. The Eucharistic Prayers will also sound different to us in the beginning. One of the very positive aspects of this new translation is a recovery of the beautiful references to Scripture in the celebration of Mass. Many of our choir members have already participated in Diocesan workshops to help them learn the new musical setting for the Mass. This particular musical setting was written by a priest of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. It will be used across the Diocese in parishes and other Catholic institutions for the next couple of years. In order to help our parishioners prepare for the implementation of the new Missal translation, a workshop will be held in the Fall. A supplement for the Catholic Book of Worship will be placed in the pews this Fall. This supplement has some new music, the new Mass parts, and the “ordinary of the Mass” - those parts which do not change regardless of the feast or liturgical season.
The Novalis Sunday missal for the people will be available for sale in the month of November. These missals sell out very quickly. The people’s Sunday missals are meant for preparation at home. It’s a good practice to review before coming to Mass. The liturgy is a living reality and we are meant to participate with our singing, responses and listening.