This past weekend our parish participated in our 4th Service Saturday weekend. This activity was begun during our 150th anniversary Year (2007) and is a wonderful opportunity for us to reach out into the community. The centre piece of Service Saturday is the opportunity to prepare and serve a meal to over 113 residents at the Bridges Shelter. In fact because of our generosity a meal was prepared for Saturday and Sunday! Another aspect is our Blanket Brigade. We were able to collect over 150 blankets for the Out of the Cold Program. I am told that it was 62 new blankets, 62 gentle used blankets from parishioners and then 24 blankets donated by our Kids Klub. I am pleased to share some pictures below.
Your generosity in helping the less fortunate is a wonderful sign of the goodness within this Family of Faith. Our next outreach project will be our annual Red Stocking Campaign - it is set to begin November 26th - Watch for details!