This year as a Family of Faith we are dedicated to HIS NAME. We desire to know HIS name, to grow in knowing Our Name and to come closer as a parish family by getting to know one another's name. One gem which has grown out of this dedication has been our Neighbourhood Ministry.
When Sadness Strikes or a new member arrives- a family is there - and that is the goal of the Neighbour Ministry. We seek to be a network of names of parishioners that would be willing to provide a kind card, a warm dish, a helping handy hand, a friendly voice, a compassionate ear to welcome (or comfort) a fellow member of our Family of Faith.
This weekend we held our major 'recruitment weekend ' for this ministry. My hope has been to attract 25 new families to be a part of the ministry, I am so happy to say that we had 72 families say - put my hand there - I want to help ! Wow! Amazing! Epic! To all those who have signed up - THANK YOU! Within the next two weeks we will be sending you some information packages on how this ministry will develop, right now we are a little overwhelmed with the response (a good thing). There is still time to sign up - just call our parish office and let us know you are interested.
We have a great Family of Faith - you glorify HIS Name !
May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our help and guide.