We enter the Second Week of Lent and the second week of looking at our virtues for the Season - Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Let us begin with a couple of definitions.
ABSTINENCE means quite simply NO MEAT or derivative of meat (soups, stews, gravies, etc.) None of these requirements is meant to be mathematical; you are to use your own good judgment. It is a unique opportunity for all of us to do penance together. Many of our Catholic practices, though legislated, are both for our spiritual growth and ultimately for the greater Glory of God. (Fridays in Lent are strongly encouraged as Days of Abstinence - NO MEAT). Good Friday remains as obligatory day of abstinence for all Catholics from 14-59 years old, inclusive.
FASTING means to reduce the amount we eat. On fast days we are permitted one full meal and two part meals not equaling a full meal and no snacks in between. Fasting is obligatory on and Good Friday for all healthy Catholics from 18-59 years of age, inclusive.
The Season of Lent calls us to Fasting. Fasting helps us acquire the precious gift of the spirit - "Self Control". It helps prepare us for an encounter with the Lord and permis us and aunthentic opportunity to empty ourselves. We often think of it at as just giving up food - but our souls benefits too when we give up violence, sexual pictures, smoking and anything else which can distort human dignity and prevent us from seeing and hearing the call of God in our lives.
Fasting is a worthwhile virtue - consider it for Lent!