Let’s remember the story:
On Thursday Jesus was arrested on trumped up charges. He was brutally beaten, rushed through a fixed trial and was declared guilty.
The next day, Good Friday, Jesus was crucified. From the cross he forgave those who beat him and nailed him to the cross. He died. He was buried in a borrowed grave.
On the third day, Easter Sunday morning, the grave was empty. His body had not been stolen. He had risen from the grave. He had conquered death. He had defeated evil. He had come back to life. He had resurrected!!
Now there is no grave deep enough; No stone heavy enough; No seal imposing enough; No evil strong enough to keep Christ in the grave. He will win!! Goodness will win!! Truth will win!! Love will win!!
God will ultimately win, and through faith in Jesus, His Church and Sacraments, the victory can be yours as well.
Blessed Easter !