Sunday, June 24, 2012

Start of Summer - Great Time for Prayer


Walk along beside me, Jesus,
as I begin the months of Summer.
As I work, play, enjoy family time and friendships,
may I hear your voice within me, guiding me toward
all that is right and good.
Give me faith in your presence, knowing that you
walk beside me in everything I do.
Gracious and loving Jesus,
thank you for the gift of Summer.
May the warmth of its sun and the beauty of its light
remind me daily of your love for me. Amen.

After more than 100 years, all the world, and especially this community, is marvelling at the wonderful invention of Alexander Graham Bell in 1874. The telephone which links us with all parts of the world has become a vital part of day-to-day living.

We in the Christian community also have our spiritual telephone and the number we dial to get in touch with God is P-R-A-Y-E-R. Prayer is like the telephone in many ways. In fact there are more places to pray than there are places from which to telephone.  We can talk to God at ANY MOMENT of the day or night.
We can call upon God for any favour. There is no limit to what He can do, and there is no limit to His desire to do good things for us. We never hear “The line is busy” or “The line is out of order” or “God isn’t home right now. Shall I have him call you?” The conversations we have with God in prayer come under four separate headings:

PRAISE - God is indefinitely wonderful in Himself and God has done infinitely wonderful things. He has made this marvelous world and all the astounding wonders in it. We simply cannot help PRAISING Him for what He is and what He has done.

THANKS - God is all-good in Himself and all-good to us. Just try to count your blessings. Try to count merely those blessings which you have and many others do not have -- sight, hearing, health, food, a home, a job. Then you will want to call God on the telephone of prayer and thank Him.

PETITION - We all need many help of body and soul every day. Don’t hesitate to ask God. He wants us to call and ask Him for what we need.

FORGIVENESS - All of us have offended and disappointed God. All need to beg His pardon.

So vary your conversations with God.... choose a different subject each time you call Him. Prayer seems so simple and natural when we think of it as calling Him on a telephone. Call Him often. You’ll enjoy talking with God. He’s waiting for your call.