Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pivotal Moments 10 Years Ago

We live in a privileged moment in the history of the universal Church; this is the time of the New Evangelization — a comprehensive plan for the preaching of the Gospel and the renewal of human civilization. Pope Benedict XVI urgently invites every human person to share in this work by answering the question posed by Jesus to the Apostles on the road to Caesarea Philippi, "Who do you say that I am?" (Matthew 16:15). This is the fundamental question of every human life, and one which results in the happiness for which God created us, becoming who He calls us to be, as we say with St. Peter: "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Matthew 16:16).

For many of us there are pivotal moments which spark the flame of faith. These might be conversations with a companion on the journey (Luke 24:13-24), they might be occasions when Sacramental encounters touch the depth of who we are and give us a sense of identity (Mark 1: 4 - 11), they might be our presence at an engagement, celebration, spiritual gathering which touches us, because not only are we there, but so too is God’s spirit. (Matthew 14:15-21.)

Ten years ago, the days of July 23-28, 2002 were such pivotal moments for thousands of young people who came to see an ailing Pope who sparked youthfulness of spirit in spite of an aged physical frame. During these blessed days of World Youth Day in Toronto, the flame of faith which truly permitted Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16) to not be a scriptural focus but a lived reality as companions in faith journeyed, Sacramental encounters occurred, and a spiritual gathering happened that touched so many - and continues to do so.

Not only are World Youth Days a lived legacy of Blessed John Paul II, a successor of Peter whose heroic witness and ardent example have impacted our faith for generations to come, but so too is a ministry which came from these days - Salt and Light Television. This Catholic media outlet is a beacon of the New Evangelization. This multi media ministry was begun in 2003 by young people who wanted to ask the important questions of life and faith, about a present and a future full of hope. Led by Father Thomas Roscia, and daily sparked by the energy of young adults who are daily living the call of the New Evangelization, Salt and Light Television continues to be a instrument of God’s grace, God’s love and God’s hope for all who come into contact with it.

One of these young adults who ministers there is a friend of mine who recently wrote of his experience at World Youth Day. I am pleased to link his story. I am pleased also to link my prayers to those of so many who continue to ask the Lord daily to allow the taste and spark of faith begun in those days of July in Toronto ten years ago, to never loose flavour or flame as we enter some of the most exciting and powerful days in the life of our Church. May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our inspiration, model and guide.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

When the Darkness Comes - Be Still

On Friday morning, the eyes of the world turned once again with shock to Colorado where another action resulting in unspeakable loss of life occured. Only thirteen years after two high-school students in the same metro area murdered 11 of their classmates and wounded over 20 others before killing themselves, a lone gunman's overnight rampage at a movie theater and claimed 12 lives among so many others shot and injured during a midnight showing of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. Our hearts and prayers go out to those impacted by this evil act.

As many of us watched the newsreports, we saw the chaos of the moment, as people poured from the movie theater into the darkness of the night—the darkness of confusion, the darkness of ambiguity, the darkness of despair. In darkness there is always the feeling that we stand alone, but as people of faith we are never alone. This tragedy happened in Aurora, which means “the dawn,”. As the sun rose on Friday morning, in a city whose name evokes the light, people of hope wondered if a "dawn" will ever come and and end to these moments of darkness. 

When we see darkness, when we experience darkness in our life, when we sense darkness in our midst, when we believe darkness to try and overcome our lives, we are awareness of darkness leading us from being who God calls us, His Word, invites to take on three things.

We must first NOT BE AFRAID for nothing can separate us from God. Darkness can sway us. It can distract us. It can even try and persuade us that it has won - but no - do not be afraid. Second, do not believe you are alone. The Church has been thru dark moments, people of faith have seen dark days, the world has been touched by darkness before - but the Love of God which conquers all things will conquer darkness and will allow us to be a people of light - a people of the dawn again. Thirdly, as the Gospel for Mass on this the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus reminds us He is the Good Shepherd. (Mark 6:30-34). He calls us from a distance, He invokes us from darkness, He invites us from discouragement to come and Be Still.

When Darkness Comes. When Discouragement arises When you doubt that dawn will come. Be Not Afraid. Be Not Alone, but Be Still for the presence of the Lord. Be Still!! Be Still !!! For it is in Him that our Hope is found, For it is in Him that our Help will be. For it is in Him that we will truly be able, when the Dark Night Comes, to actually Rise Again.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spiritual Sounds

Most recently a friend of mine has got me hooked on Sirus Radio - in particular - the Catholic Channel. There are so many powerful and impacful programs there; and even a Canadian connection with Salt and Light Radio. The radio is a wonderful invention. For decades, man has marveled at the fact that a small little box can pick up speaking and singing from thousands of miles away. But you and I can do something far more wonderful than the radio. We can pick up the voice of God, if we will only tune in and listen.

Indeed, this is what praying means -- listening to God, as well as talking to Him. But unfortunately many of us never take time to listen to God. The only time we turn to Him is when we have a problem we want to tell Him about.

But God doesn’t just want to listen to us. He also wants to TALK to us. And he has various means at his disposal for doing just this. God speaks to us in every sermon and instruction. He tells us wonderful truths we can learn in no other way. He tells us about heaven and how to get there. When we listen carefully to a sermon, we are really listening in to God.

When you pick up a newspaper, magazine or book on religion, we are really tuning in to God. These various sources tell us about God’s church and its wonderful work. They tell us what people are doing for God, as if God were telling you to go out and do some of these things for Him. We should listen to God by filling our minds with a powerful and prayer message each day. This is not new; after all One day Jesus told the people who were crowding around Him: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Jesus says those same words to each of us. Our ears, our mind and our heart are like the delicate parts of a radio. They can pick up God’s voice. The more grace and spiritual power we have, the better we can hear. A radio without batteries or current, cannot pick up a single sound. Ask God to help you hear him clearly.

Try it today. Tune into station GOD. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you hear.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Come and See - You are Needed

How often today one hears the phrase, “I don’t go to church anymore, because I don’t get anything out of it.” Well, I guess, as someone has said, a poor excuse is better than no excuse at all.

But that still begs the question. The real question we must all ask ourselves is how much do we put into the public exercise of our faith. With most things in life, “we only get out of it, what we put into it.” If we just go to church and make no effort whatsoever to participate then I guess we would all find that pretty boring.

But the public expression of our faith means that we must put forth some effort to make it meaningful to us. And all of us must honestly say that we certainly could put more effort into the practise of our faith. Just because it is Sunday and a long-standing traditional day of rest, doesn’t mean that we go to church to sleep or be entertained. We must approach our faith life with even more enthusiasm and vigor than we come to any other task in our lives.... that is if we feel that our faith is important.

We come together with our fellow Roman Catholics each week, because that is the responsibility to which God calls each one of us... to worship Him in prayer and song... to thank Him for the blessings of the past week; to beg His forgiveness for our failures of the past; to adore Him as our God and creator; to beg his help in the present trials and difficulties of life.

And one of our first calls as a Christian is to build community... to practice love towards one another. What better place in which to do that than in the house of God, where we come together with those of a common faith. But friendship and love in a parish community is a two-way street.. others must reach out and we must reach out to them. We should always feel among friends in our worship community... a community where love and concern constantly prevails.

And then in our weekly participation in worship do we really make an effort to PARTICIPATE? Do we join in the prayers, use our voices in praise of God in prayer and song? Become involved in the liturgy of your church and you’ll be surprised what a different feeling it brings to your life.

Our parish offers multiple opportunities to become involved in the life of the church community. There is something to engage the talents of every member of the community... but you must be prepared to step forward and become involved. In fact at St Mary's we always say "there is something for everyone". We beleive that an involved parish is a concerned parish, and a concerned parish is an alive and happy parish.

For example this week several members of our Neighbourhood Ministry who were called into action to check on a number of our shut in members and elderly. Our parish was able this week to deliver 25 cases of water to individual elders from our community during the heat we have been experiencing. One of our Neighbourhood Ministry members also helped install four window units in one day – these window units were bought by funds from the Lend a Hand (Canadian Tire) monies we collect through our Wize Guys – part of our Outreach Fund. Thank you to so many who have helped this week!

If you have been reluctant to step forward in the past, I say to you.. “be reluctant no longer.” Step out of yourself and become involved. Try it; you’ll like it. You are IMPORTANT; AND YOU ARE NEEDED.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day

Prayer for Canada

Loving Father,
Bless our country, its people and its leaders.
Make our homeland one of peace and security.
Instill in us, a sense of charity toward the less fortunate and a respect for life.
Help us to grow closer to you as nation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
