Most recently a friend of mine has got me hooked on Sirus Radio - in particular - the Catholic Channel. There are so many powerful and impacful programs there; and even a Canadian connection with Salt and Light Radio. The radio is a wonderful invention. For decades, man has marveled at the fact that a small little box can pick up speaking and singing from thousands of miles away. But you and I can do something far more wonderful than the radio. We can pick up the voice of God, if we will only tune in and listen.
But God doesn’t just want to listen to us. He also wants to TALK to us. And he has various means at his disposal for doing just this. God speaks to us in every sermon and instruction. He tells us wonderful truths we can learn in no other way. He tells us about heaven and how to get there. When we listen carefully to a sermon, we are really listening in to God.
When you pick up a newspaper, magazine or book on religion, we are really tuning in to God. These various sources tell us about God’s church and its wonderful work. They tell us what people are doing for God, as if God were telling you to go out and do some of these things for Him. We should listen to God by filling our minds with a powerful and prayer message each day. This is not new; after all One day Jesus told the people who were crowding around Him: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Jesus says those same words to each of us. Our ears, our mind and our heart are like the delicate parts of a radio. They can pick up God’s voice. The more grace and spiritual power we have, the better we can hear. A radio without batteries or current, cannot pick up a single sound. Ask God to help you hear him clearly.
Try it today. Tune into station GOD. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you hear.