Recently I was blessed to have a little time off - to climb to new heights, to see views never scene and probably eat far much than more I should have. During it you were in my thoughts and prayers daily. I also had the chance to do something I like - people watch. Just find a place where a large group is and check out what is going on.
One particular night I sat in a public square where a small concert was going on. I watched people of all ages enjoying the music, singing along, embracing and showing their affection for each other. Families together, people smiling, individuals enjoying and you know I found myself - pleased.
It dawned on me - I think the Lord must feel this way at times. When He sees us doing what He means for us to do. You see in that public square - no conflict was evident. You know in that public square - no tension was surfacing. You know in that public square - no differences - racial, religious or requital were there. No just people doing what they were meant for to live in love, harmony and sharing the gifts of one another. Bascially, what He means for us to do - and God was pleased. - a Vision of Right Living
If we look at God’s word today - its all about that - a vision of right living ! Did you catch was the Letter of James said to us: “Welcome the doers of the Word, not only hearers....for religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (James 1.17-18,21-22,27).
These challenging words will form the focus of what we will meditate on not only this Lord’s Day weekend but also over the next few as we resume the Fall Season together and look at - a Vision of Right Living.
During this past week I had a chance to go fishing with my nephew - he caught fish - I caught - well- experience! In the serene place we were came all of sudden this chilling scream. It not only scared all the fish away - but it scared my blood pressure, heart rate and ability to breath - away ! As I resumed consciousness - I checked out what was going on - and it was a little girl who was had been told by her dad that the only way to fish was to but a dead worm on a fishing rod. “That’s not right ! - was her chilling scream - That’s sick ! That is digusting !” As My nephew and I chuckled - knowing that was something we do all the time - we walked back to our little spot and just heard her dad say - “ its not that bad - just watch”
That is the first step to a Vision of Right Living - just watch ! But it makes a difference who we watch ! If I had during my holiday gone people watching in a public square in Las Vegas - what I would have seen might have been different than the family centred in the place where I was!
Its not just watching - its about who and where we watch ! So - where are you watching - were are you looking - were do you get your wisdom for right living?
The Prophet Deuteronomy says : “You must observe (the commandments of the Lord), diligently, for this will show your wisdom and discernment to the people”(4:1-2,6-8) Our first focus is always to put ourselves where the Lord is. We know those places:
- we know what resort really is a place of champions and which one is not
- we know what website is about learning and growing and which one is not
- we know what television program is about developing Christ followers and which is not
- we know what book, magazine, text message, facebook page, twitter verse, conversation, club, what friendship is really being about right living & which one is not! We know - Its not just watching - its about who and where we watch !
Where we watch determine not only our fun - it actually determines our Vision for Life. If wish to live pure, undefiled before God the Father - it matters where we watch!
★ I know I loved watching this week - all the back packs which were gathered during the last three weeks of August to give to 100 children in our parish schools - so they will be ready day one!
★ I know I loved watching this week - a family - that had been away from faith - gathering with their mom at the emergency room of the Cambridge Hospital - and finding faith in the life witness of their mom
★ I know I loved watching this week - a young adult- witness to his younger teenage brother and a friend of the reality of high school in a fun filled way
★ I know I loved watching this week - a couple speak to me about a faith centered conference they attended and see the vision of the Lord - alive within their eyes and heart
★ I know I loved watching a young teen this week tell me the exciting news of an amazing opportunity he has this year and to hear him say “God did this for me”.
We know - Its not just watching - its about who and where we watch ! As we begin a new school year - new friends, opportunities, classes. As we resume our work schedules - new clients, customers, project & service to people to undertake. As we resume our routines and begin to encounter people at service clubs and shopping malls.
Where are you watching to get that Vision of Right Living? !