There is a terrible four letter word in our society. People use it all the time and they don’t know its effects on others. People have gotten into the habit of saying it and don’t even know it sometimes. People use it with a frequency in fact that has made it almost acceptable. I am speaking about the word - BUSY! B-U-S-Y
Ever notice how much we use it:
I am too busy, life is too busy,
Don’t have time for that its busy season,
Are you kidding, can’t get another thing into the schedule I am busy,
No can’t get involved, I am busy
Don’t have time to read that story - too busy
Nope I can’t take that call, sorta busy
No, No....don’t have time to chat - I am on the run - really busy!
Now when it happens at work or with our social life - that is one thing, but when it enters our family life or our spiritual life - now that is another. Busyness and hectic pace is the greatest trial to relationships, friendship, family life and even spirituality. To make time, to respond in time, to give time, to surrender time is the toughest thing these days - it’s the plaque of the 21st century!
In the Readings from God’s Word today we hear the importantce of discerning our time: giving it or surrendering it:
In the First Reading (1King 17:10-16) we are introduced to Elijah, a Prophet of the Lord who is on a journey. He is faced with hunger and approaches a poor widow seeking something to eat. Now imagine if the Widow said she was too busy and did not share the morsels of Bread she had - in that busyness she would have missed the moment when the Lord decided He could do an amazing thing and fed her and her household with that small morsel for many days. God did because she didn't claim to be busy.
In the 2nd Reading Gospel - Letter the Hebrews - (9:24-28), imagine if the receivers of the message had been too busy to receive it. They would have missed that moment to remember all of who Christ is and what Christ had done in their life and that of the community. They heard the good news, were encouraged in their path because they did not claim to be busy.
In the Gospel (Mark 12:38-44) - the poor Widow - imagine if she had not made time to come to the Temple (Church) and given what she could - surrendered her resources - she would not of become a great witness to others, and would not have met Jesus! Both became possible because she did not claim to be busy.
This does not mean they were not busy, it just means they did not allow their busyness to stop them from responding. Busyness is not only plaque - it’can be a bit of an excuse too! Yes we are all busy, no doubt, but we must discern in the busyness not only our priorities, but also God’s priorities for us. For time is like the stewardship of money - we can throw it all around and accomplish nothing with, or we can invest it wisely in the things that will bear much fruit - especially in eternal life.
Are we using our time to the Glory of God or are we just throwing it around? When being inviting by the Lord to give our time to Him through our friends, in our faith, along with our family - do we just - well - say we are busy? Busy will always be around us - It has been that way for generations!
There was once a group of people who had been friends at University who decided to get together several years after graduation:
-they were 30 years old and so they thought they would get together for dinner - they agreed to go to this restaurant “The Glowing Amber” - the waiters and waitresses were young and good looking and it had great music.
- when they turned 45 years old they decided to get together again, they agreed to go this restaurant “The Glowing Amber” - they heard it had great food and they could bring their kids.
- when they turned 60 years old they decided to get together they agreed to this restaurant “The Glowing Amber” - they could eat in peace and quiet with out any loud music
- when they turned 75 years old they decided to get together they agreed to meet at this restaurant “The Glowing Amber” - it was physically accessible and had an elevator, not to mention an early bird special.
- when they turned 90 years old they decided to get together they agreed to gather at this restaurant “ The Glowing Amber” - after all they had never eaten there before!
Time changes things, generations more on, and yet some things stay the same. Being busy will always be there - like a Glowing Amber, but the opportunity to serve, to say, to show for the glory of God may not be or might even be forgotten if we are not careful! That moment to read to your child, that occasion to have a coffee with a friend in need, that moment to turn to God and honour Him for all He does in our lives - these will pass as quickly as the years.
Are you using your time to the glory of self or the glory of God?
Are you using your time to build up ego or build up God’s Kingdom?
Are you investing in a sport more than a soul?
Are you serving Career before Child? Boss before family?
Are you putting dream ahead of God’s desire for you?
This week - try not to say I am busy - but respond to where the Lord guides, how the Lord asks, discern each request carefully - don't brush them off. That one invite from a friend, faith community or family member might well be the manner the Lord uses to give great blessing. Give all you have - even the little morsels of time to Him - and let Him establish a feast for you and your household that will last for days and maybe even invest in eternity !