Today we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. At Baptism we begin a journey that opens our hearts and lives. There is an old joke told about St. Peter who we traditionally have said greets all the new arrivals into heaven. Well one day he was greeting, and got a bit tired of the usual questions and so decided to ask instead the following question:
“What would you like your family to say about you at your funeral service?”
The first person said : “I would like them to say I lived a most useful life as a doctor and dad.” The second person replied: “I was an excellent school teacher, wife and mother.” The third person quickly stated:“ I did my best, loved them and cherished them. That they appreciated me.” The fourth person indicated: “ I was wonderful, in fact totally perfect, and never made a mistake.”Then came the last person: “I would like them to say, ‘Look! He is still alive!’”
There is always evidence of life if we are moving. As Christians, there should also be signs of Christ’s life in us. That Christ left the splendor of heaven, to endure the squalor of earth, is a sign; A sign of His love. A sign of His life. But what are the signs? The signs of our love for Christ?
In the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord we are reminded that at Baptism - we “Accept the Challenge” to apply the truths of our faith to family, friendships, and future. The challenges they present, and the call to accept they beckon, will give us all true wisdom. So over the next couple of weeks I wonder if we could review what we accepted - The Creed - and ask ourselves - are we still alive ? When it comes to our faith - are their signs of life ?
I have to share with you the best email I received this Christmas Season. To be fully honest - it went into my spam folder at first - and I was checking in it and found this one. It came from a visitor who was with us several Sundays around Christmas:
“I wanted to write and thank your parish for the wonderful welcome I received. It started in the parking lot. (You need a new parking lot by the way Father). It was full - someone walked my car and I over to the pool parking lot and said - you can park here. Then it was when I came in. The Church was full, one of the ushers gently said - we have a large Parish Centre, you can sit there - they walked me over. What a wonderful place for me and my kids - bit loud - but an adventure. Then it happened after Mass. You wanted to know my name. You said your new, then the following week you remembered me. When I came to St Mary’s - well let’s just say it had been a lot of years since I came to a Catholic Church. I wasn’t looking for Church ... I was looking for Christ, and I found him in your parish.”
We should exhibit signs in our lives (public / private) that show our love and that demonstrate Whose life we seek to model. Prayer, Small Groups, Adoration, Bible reading, our offerings, resisting personal temptation. But how do people recognize that we are God’s Ambassadors in the world? That is what Baptism calls us to It is not enough to serve in secret. We have to live the lifestyle. We meet on the Lord’s Day Weekend not in a Holy Huddle: but in a Place of Holiness in the Presence of Holiness to become People of Holiness.
So the Gospel of Today (Luke 3.15-16, 21-22) tells us three quick things and I want to touch one two of them this week and the last next week
1. Jesus knew who He was. At His Baptism in the river Jordan He heard: “Your are my Son, the Beloved” We have to accept who we are, and whose we are. Sure we want people to say nice things about us - after we have died - and even while we are living. We all have that temptation. But our faith, and religion, can not be like that cool uncle who let you do whatever you wanted - smoke, drink, take out the car even though mom and dad said no. We loved him as a kids or a teen, but when we got older and see life for what it is - we realized how lame he was because he stood for nothing but went along with everything.
Sometimes we have to say - “I can’t”, “ I won’t”, “ Not now”. The Nerve to Serve, but also that never to stand up for whom we serve. We have to know who we are and what we are ! Plain and simple. We have to live the lifestyle of Christ - do you ?
2. Jesus prayed often. Now I have often wondered, why would the Son of God - the Font of Holiness - need to pray?” Only one reason: To stay close to the Father.
Luke’s Gospel records 9 times Christ prays. He wanted time: At His Baptism, After a Day of Miracles, Before Choosing the Disciples, Before the Prediction of His Death. On the Mountain at the Transfiguration. Before Teaching the Disciples the Lord’s Prayer. While the 70 Returned from their Missions. In the Garden of Gethsemane. On the Cross before His Death. In the daybreak ... At the sunset ... Great achievements were preceded by prayer. Great sorrows were met with prayer. Jesus died praying! If the Lord of Glory needed prayer ... What does that say about us? We don’t have the capacity to deal with life outside of prayer (Luke 18:1). Are you losing heart? Is it because you are not praying?
Ok - so - You Alive ? Are you alive ? I want to ask you to try something this week: It will not hurt and will take only a bit longer than a flu shot ( but less painful). I want you to ask yourself one simple question for 15 minutes everyday this week: Does anyone know Christ is alive because of me ? Maybe even write down the answer. Pray with it, allow the answer to help you know who you are and whose you are.
Years ago at Ontario Place in Toronto a large ship was docked and people use to go for tours on this. The engine was gone. A souvenir shop was on the deck. Actors were the officers and crew. One of the greatest ship that ever went to sea, was now the greatest ship to come and see. But what I remember about that ship most was a simple plaque that read “ The great things that used to happen here.”
Do they say because of us in our private lives that, as far as Christ is concerned, great things use to happen with Him, or do they say because of us - “Look! He is still alive!’”