Are you a routine person ? I know I am. I have a certain routine that is part of my day, part of my week, part of my life. Some people, even people who claim not to be routine people, have a routine when it comes to some things - like television for example. There are certain television programs which they watch - with almost cult like devotion- and if they miss them, goodness gracious that PVR better be working or they have a fit!
A gentleman was telling me recently that he - even in the midst of his busy corporate schedule - had something in his routine that never changes - Saturday morning at 9:00am - he eats pancakes with his 6 year old son. Nothing gets in the way of that, even if it means at time they do so in an Airport Cafeteria before he heads off for meetings in Europe - its their routine!
Maybe for some of you - there is that type of routine in your life - or maybe your life has become routine?
- maybe your routine is that work is the same old thing - same tasks, same duties.
- maybe your routine is that school - well is boring and your tired of it.
- maybe your routine is that your family life is not as rich as it was once - and well - people live in the same home but are living different lives.
- maybe your routine is that life right now, with its ups and downs - well is a bit painful and difficult.
- or maybe your routine has been turned upside down because of the illness of a parent, the crisis of a child, or the challenge of a marriage.
Whether we want to admit it or not - we are routine people.
Easter is about the most unique - non routine - event in history – the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. One thing about Jesus is that He was anything but routine and ordinary, no where in scripture does it say that Jesus did the ordinary routine thing - nor that people were bored around Him. They might have been puzzled at what He said, confused about what He did, angry at His response - but never did they think He was ordinary or routine. Jesus taught like no one ever taught, lived like no one ever lived, loved like no one ever loved.
Even His death - anything but routine - crowds gathering and yelling at the Governor of the day chanting “Crucify Him”almost to the point of rioting, soliders whipping Him and placing a crown of thorns on Him, criminals hung on either side of Him and then placed in a tomb which He did not own and now three days later - get this - anything buy ordinary - His body was missing. So we have a massive stone rolled away, the body is missing....not ordinary way of life at all over the last three days - no body was in their routine! In fact they are extra ordinary days.
Our Easter is about the most extra ordinary event in Human History which has power over our lives. Our Easter is about how God’s grace is able to transform the agony of the cross to the ecstasy of Easter. But Our Easter is also about what happened after Easter morning.
How ordinary people began to do bold, outrageous, courageous things - out of their routine - which they would never have done on their own - without the power of the risen Christ. The Power of Easter can change the ordinary things of your life: the things that should never have become routine and ordinary - can instead become fresh, new:
• the power of the resurrection - Jesus - can change the death of your marriage - and give it new life.
• the power of the resurrection - Jesus - can change the death in the conversation between you and your teenager - and give it new life.
• the power of the resurrection - Jesus - can change the death in your work place, in your classroom, in your living room - and give it new life.
By casting hope, giving joy, providing confidence.....
• If its ordinary for you drink too much or to be sitting in front of a computer looking at things which are not life giving,
• If it is ordinary for you to be using food as an escape or another people as an object, if its ordinary for you to be gossip about others or arguing with those within your household for no apparent reason.
Stop living those ordinary, routine lives which make you angry, define you by mistakes of the past, and darkened you with non life giving words of a relationship rooted in sin and start living an extra ordinary life rooted in the power of Christ.
The Power of Easter can change the ordinary things of your life:
• If it is ordinary for you is being alone, or ordinary for you is being defined by a mistake, a divorce, a spiritual poverty.......... then turn toward Him and honour Him with your habits and choices and live your life in an way that God honours.
• Turn toward the One that moves stones, removes the power of tombs - even living tombs that might seem like a routine ordinary way of life.....
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ has the power to change your ordinary into His extra ordinary. I am talking about some simple ordinary things - dispose yourself, plug into God’s extra ordinary power. Talk with Him - pray with Him because He loves you and favours you- tell Him your questions and concerns. Honour Him on His Day - Sunday - with Mass. Spend time in Eucharistic Adoration and above all daily - just find a spot and speak with Him - in your own words and let Him be the Lord of your life - a new life - not a routine life!
Easter is not a hunt but a find, not a greeting but a proclamation, not an outward fashion but an inward grace. It is not Ordinary! It is not routine!
May this Easter be not a routine for you. May it not just be a ritual. But an extra ordinary experience of a relationship with Jesus Christ knowing He Died - He Has Risen - and He loves you !