A few years ago an older lady in our parish who passed away had the great custom each night of praying that simple prayer which she learned probably as a child each night. One of her grandchildren, as this older lady was nearing the end of her earthly journey, was standing at the doorway on the final night of her life when she heard the older lady say “Lord, now I lay me down to sleep, I ask the Lord my soul to keep...and then there was a pause.... a sigh... and then the words, and Lord - tonight would be a good night.”
Final words: they say a lot about us, they tell a great deal about who were are, they echo volumes of what matters and what counts in our life. That is why the final words we say before we leave the house, before we go to bed, or that we even speak to one another in our family are so vital and important. Jesus had final words on the cross...the first Good Friday...and they said a lot about Him, who He was and what mattered or counted in His life
Forgive them
Christ’s concern was for others.His focus was outward not inward. There was no “woe is me”, no “how could they”, no “ this is not fair”. Forgive them. His desire was God the Father’s ultimate plan right until the end ! He was second - God was first. Forgive them ..........have you spoken those words ?
I thirst
A human reality: the necessity of water, refreshment, and yet Jesus speaks spiritually too. How we need to be refreshed by God, spiritually quenched of our thirsts: our thirst to be heard, our thirst to be treated fairly and treat others fairly, our thirst for justice, for serenity, for peace. Our thirst to know that in youth we will be loved, in elder years that we will be cared for. Our thirst to know we are not alone. I thirst .............have you spoken those words ?
It is finished
To know when we have done all we could - now the Father takes over in fulfilment of His will. To trust in the Lord - His will, His way, His want, His wisdom, His wonderful plan for us. And yet it was these final words of Jesus - His last words on the cross - which speak so loudly and tell so much. For the Father worked in Christ's life to permit Him to say them - and God works in the Church today to help us to say words that speak, even in silence, of our surrender to the Father's will for our life.
• In Blessed Pope John Paul II we saw a pope who said this is what we believe
• In Benedict XVI we saw a pope who said this is why we believe it
• In Pope Francis we have someone who says - this is how we live it - now go do it !
In these Holy Days we see an exchange. On the Cross: His Death for My Death. At the tomb: His Life for My Life. It is finished .............have you spoken those words ?
Good Friday invites us to ask - What are our daily words? What would our last words this day say of us?
Do our words - build up or tear down ?
Do our words speak praise of others or highlight their short comings ?
Do our words speak of "I" before "Him" ?
Do our words gossip or glorify ?
"Forgive them, I thirst, It is finished." These were His words on the Cross - what are yours at the Cross? As you approach the Cross to venerate - what will your words be ?
• Forgiveness - of those who have hurt you or to pray for such from those you have hurt?
• Thirst - to be quenced by Christ’s love so that it can be seen in a greater way in your life or the life of another because of you.
• Surrender - It is Finished, your combatting of that which you want to happen in your life with instead what God’s desire is for your life.
As this Good Friday moves forward..............what will your words be?
As your life moves onward .....................what will your words be?
As our path of disciples moves toward Him.................what will your final words be?