Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Month of All Souls

Most recently I was in attendance at an office waiting to see an individual when I noticed that the lamp on the desk near the waiting area kept flickering. At first I thought that it was because something was wrong with the plug, maybe with the bulb, or even with the electricity itself in the room.  I continued to notice and explore this when I noticed that actually the flickering occurred as people walked by, as a door opened or closed.

It became obvious that the flickering of the light was being determined by a sensor that permitted the light to be stronger in greater darkness and less bright when it seem there was already light there.

After leaving the place of my appointment I kept thinking about this lamp - and its unique feature - but even more so - began to realize that like that lamp - we too as people of faith rely on God to be the same for us ....we rely on Him to be brighter for us when the darkness is greater; and present but not so strong in presence, when the darkness is not so great.

During this month of November, a month of All Souls - His light burns bright! His light burns bright because we pause to recall individuals who from this parish family saw His light is the brightest and greatest way

- who experienced not sadness in the darkness - but light.
- who experienced not hopelessness in the darkness - but the flickering of His light signally them forth.
- who experienced not emptiness, in the darkness - but the full capacity of His light.
- who experienced not coldness, not abandonment - but the full strength of the lamp of His Love.

And yet, there is still darkness...not for them...for us. There is darkness when we recall lovingly their gentle embrace, their inviting  smile, their encouraging voice, their engaging laughter. There is darkness when we remember the fullness of their comfort, the totality of their presence, the completeness of their memories. 

Yet - just like that lamp - it is in those moment; when the darkness comes, the brief moment or the lengthy episode - the light seeks to shine the brightest - if we will simply recognize it and not think it is a fluctuation, a short circuit or a something wrong with the bulb.

During this month of November - there may well be some sadness - emptiness - darkness - but the light is here ! He is here - flickering, adjusting.  May we ask God to offer His light in a special way, may we seek from God to see clearly their presence - in memory and thought - and may we invite God to give us peace as we we once again in light...His light...and remember in the darkness - He is there .