I don’t know if you know who John Chen is? But he is the newly appointed CEO for Blackberry. 2013 was not Blackberry’s year as you may know. Well he had an interview with Business Weekly recently and he made his New Year’s resolution very public - this is what he said “ I’m not focused on who BlackBerry used to be—I’m focused on what BlackBerry will be today and in the future”. While its not my place to give business advice I can say this about Mr Chen’s comment - it is very good spiritual advice.
The beginning of a New Year is an opportunity for us to reflect but it is also an opportunity for us to move on..... move on from sadness, move on from set back, move on from those things that make us sorry, slow in spirit and take us away from spiritual success and to step up......
- step up toward greater serenity
- step up toward greater security
- step up toward great spiritual satisfaction
We do this - not so much by a set of resolutions - although those are helpful at times to keep us track - but we do so with a simple determination to follow one example: The one we celebrate today - Mary the Mother of Jesus. Mary gives to us the example of how to move on and step up in three ways: Pondering, Focusing, Surrendering.
A verse from scripture which comes out over and over in referencing to Mary (and it was in the Gospel of today (Luke 2:16-21) is where often it says that Mary pondered things in her heart.
What if in 2014 - we built in a little time each day to just ponder a bit - to ask ourselves these two questions every day at some point?
- Where Did I see God today ? - in the conversations, conduct, encounters that I had
- Where Did I miss God today? - where was He calling me to patience, perseverance and I missed it?
Secondly, Mary was very focused. The Gospel of Mark (1: 9-11), records and encounter between Mary and Her Son in which she instructs a steward to “ do what ever He tells you” - (referencing Her Son). Such importance - are we focused on Him? - His will? His Way? His wisdom for our life? In the big choices and the smaller ones - how often do we ask - what would God wish done here? Our lives take a new focus when they are off of us. We become less "introspective and judgmental" (both of self and others); when we focus upon Him.
Thirdly, Mary surrendered. I would say that probably the hardest scene for Mary in Her life was not the long trek to Bethlehem thru the desert on a cold night, it would not have been the realization of her child being born in the simplicity of manger; but the hardest scene would have been her simple encounter with Jesus on the way to cross (the 4th Stations of the Cross).
As a mother, she did not understand why it had to be? As a gentle woman she would have chosen another way. As a caring person she wanted to say to Him - it will be ok - but knew the pain that was ahead. Yet she surrendered.
There are very few things which I can say to you I can predict about 2014 but here is one that is pretty safe: there will be at least one thing in 2014 - you will not understand, there will be at least one thing in 2014 that will challenge your faith, there will be at least one thing in 2014 that will make you pause and just wonder - why
- if we are like Mary and ponder
- if we are like Mary and we focus on Him
- if we are like Mary and are able in faith to surrender to God’s will
2014 will be a year where God will have His way - and His way is so much greater in blessing and so much lighter in burden if we are willing to walk it in a spirit of ponder, focus and surrender.
I pray that 2014 will be a year of great blessing for you!
I intercede before God that 2014 will be a time of happiness, joy, contentment for you
I implore that 2014 be a time in which - well - you are not focused on who you used to be—but are focused on what you will be today and in the future,”
I pray that 2014 will be a Year where we will be so much more like Mary - pondering, focusing , surrendering. May we start today !