For the next several months I would like to use the blog and each week take one part—one moment—of our weekend Mass and ‘break it open.’ Did you ever wonder why we sign our forehead, lips, and heart with the Sign of the Cross before the Gospel Reading? Or why we bring the bread and wine up the center aisle during the collection? Why not just put it on the altar from the beginning? We will also address some questions about the ‘mechanics’ of the mass.
For example, ‘Where do all the hosts come from? Do we buy them? Do we make them? What about the wine? The palms for Palm Sunday? Why do we use different colors for different seasons, and what do they mean? The mass is a beautiful celebration, rich with tradition, art, symbols, sacred texts, and meaningful rituals (rites). A deeper understanding of ‘why we do what we do’ will hopefully enhance our own participation in the Mass. Look for it here beginning next week!