Sunday, February 22, 2015

I Have Decided to Walk the Way - First Sunday of Lent

Recently travelling in Toronto I came across a sign posted outside a store that said, “Closed for remodelling.” That’s kind of why we have the Season of Lent. The Church gives us this season to take a step back and reflect where we are spiritually and what remodeling we need to make over the next six weeks to perhaps get back on track.

In today’s Gospel from Mark, we hear of Jesus going into the desert. That’s a hint for us that we need to go off our normal hectic routine and find some quiet where we can reflect on our own journey just like Jesus did and further develop a friendship with Him. Later, we hear the devil arrived to tempt Jesus. That may be a frequent occurrence for us, so one positive thing we should try this Lent is to identify our biggest temptation and put together a plan to conquer it. Believe me, a week is not long enough, but it’s a start.

The theme this Lenten Season is “The Way". Each week will offer another positive step we can take and come out of this season on Easter a remodelled disciple of Christ.