We hear a version of this Gospel every year after Easter. Why? It’s an important message even today.
The doors were locked. The courage the apostles showed the last three years with Jesus at their side was replaced with fear. So, when Jesus appeared to them, their knees were knocking. His first words were, “Peace be with you.” Reassuring words! He calmed their fears and brought them peace. We hear that phrase repeated three times in today’s Gospel.
Then Jesus did something which only love and trust can do. He commissioned His weak and timid apostles to preach the Gospel and make new disciples. As the Father had sent Jesus, He now sends them. But to calm their fears and give them strength, his last gift was the Holy Spirit. We get that same gift and we get that same commission—to be disciples and spread the word.
But we hear Thomas wasn’t there. Even though the others told him of Jesus’ resurrection and his appearing to them, he didn’t believe. So Jesus appeared again and Thomas recognized Jesus, believed and exclaimed that Jesus was truly Lord and God!
Through the gift of faith we, too, proclaim that Jesus is our Lord and God. We may think we couldn’t possibly “preach the Gospel” and make“ disciples” of others. We doubt our abilities and we feel the job of discipleship should be left to someone else.”
Think about it. Jesus laid down his life for us. Is spreading His word too much to ask? We’re not asked to stand on a street corner. We’re asked to lead a life that reflects Christ in us so others may see that light and find hope and consolation in the Resurrected Lord.