We are in this series called Listen - a journey to better hear God’s voice. Before beginning consider listening to the Message from this Lord's Day. and then reading the further reflections below. Each week will also offer a small follow up which you can consider doing - something short - about 15 minutes per day.
It is the most amazing thing - God - the creator of the universe is personal (we can know Him). He wants to communicate with us in ways that thrill our hearts and bring us peace & surety of purpose
• in critical moments we can get the guidance that we need.
• in decision moments He teaches us so that we have insights and leads us so that we know the path away from trouble.
• in affirming moments He reminds us “I am here”.
When we hear God’s voice it is a life changing experience - remember Moses - his very face changed. God is always there but sometimes we are moving so quickly that we miss the moment.
So far we have we learned two of the three things we need in order to listen
- TIME - to designate time (each day) and a place so that we can listen to God speak.
- TEXT - that God is texting us each day with His word - God is messaging us - do you know it, are we reading it, to do we “take time with the text”.
This week all we have been talking about is affirmed as in the Gospel. St Mark reminds us that Jesus says “come away to a deserted place” for without such we are “like sheep without a Shepherd” - we are LOST. His word leads us to the final step in listening to His voice in the midst of all the world’s voices. That is to do it Together. For it is together that we can listen to God in community and here we are better able to hear Him. God does this in three distinct ways
First He speaks to us in COMMUNION. Second He speaks to us in COMMON. Third, He speaks to us in COMPASSION. He heals, He provides, He directs, He determines and calls us to listen with the Text, the Time and Together.
Let’s discuss this as a family:
1. Describe the last time you “rested” with God.
2. Was the experience hectic because of the tasks at hand or was it peaceful? Why?
3. Who are the shepherds in your life? Who do you listen to? Where are they leading you?