Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Way Forward - Week # 4

This is the final week of our Message Series: A Way Forward. It’s all about doing what disciples do and, in the process, finding our way to more successful living

Week One invited us to be “of God”. To know that we belong to Him, that we accomplish what we do with His inspiration and that we must be people who are firmly rooted not solely in our religious tradition, but also our ability to relate to the person of Jesus.

Week Two challenged us to take the last place, to be servants. The only way we know who we are is by who He is – and that comes through service especially to the least, the last and the lost.

Week Three called forth from us the declaration that our serenity, peace and purpose comes not from outside of us, but rather from within us – a Way Forward – rooted in Mercy which comes not from an outwardly found happiness but an inwardly rooted happiness.

The recent visit of Pope Francis to the United States, in part for the World Meeting of Families, has given our Holy Father an opportunity to discuss so many issues, and I must admit that I love the issues he is talking about and how he is talking about them. Pope Francis has a profound commitment to God’s word - and a lifestyle that backs it up. He is crating conversation around important issues - poverty, justice, immigration. He call us to be part of a society that is tolerant and inclusive, but has a solid stance on the institution and definition of marriage, family and speaks about restoring hope and building peace – he asks us to treat one another with passion but compassion. In our society of today – this is a challenge and if we are a people of both passion and compassion – well we stand out. The courage to do that - stand out - is the final point in our Way Forward.

This “standing out” can overwhelms us - overtakes us - over stresses us and we feel lost and as our 2nd Reading today - the presence of Jesus offers a hope -  “do not be ashamed”. What stops us at times in our way forward - well is fear of standing out  and yet the answers to our problems, including that of fear – is that we must have Confidence in Christ. For we are a child of God, chosen, redeemed, loved, cherished and cared for. We should stand out – for His love calls us to. Part of this call to stand out is rooted in a life of Prayer which leads us to decide and discern to do it Christ’s way, not our way forward.

Jesus says - try it my way forward:
I.                   Seek righteousness in your heart and there will be beauty in your character
II.                seek beauty in your character and there will be harmony in the home
III.             seek harmony in the home and there will be order in the nations
IV.             seek order in the nations and there will be peace in the world

It all begins by seeking Christ’s Way Forward: Being of God. Being rooted in Service to least, last, lost. Being  People who Make Every Effort to be rooted in Mercy - people who walk along with Christ standing out (living differently) – and being willing to stand out from the crowd.