an entire set of flatware before the age of 30. We are always faced with the question of choosing
the right path. Many times the right path is not the easy path.
During this second week of Advent, we’ll focus on choosing the path. If we don’t have any
idea of our final destination, the choice is next to impossible. We have to know where we are going
and that’s the whole purpose of this season for each of us.
Luke’s Gospel is fitting to get us to focus on choosing a path as we hear, “Prepare the way of
the Lord, make straight his paths…The winding roads shall be made straight and the rough ways
made smooth…”
Let us pray that this Advent Season will enable us to stay on the right path or choose a better
path so our heavenly destination becomes clearer and easier. Remember, we are “Stable-Bound.”
The gift that awaits us at the end of the path is beyond our comprehension.
Please discuss these two questions as a family:
1. Name a time in your life where you had a choice between two “desirable” options or paths.
2. What did you choose and why? How did you feel?