Today in our modern society of iphones, emails and the
internet, a lot celebrities claim to have millions of followers and friends. It
is very easy to be an electronic follower or friend of a person you have never
met. Following Jesus is not as easy as this. He invites us to be His friend by
knowing Him upfront and journeying with Him
As we have journeyed this summer together, through the
thought of being a theromoeter or a thermostat. As we have pondered the need
for a humble heart. As we have paused and considered disappointments, regrets
and fear and how we handle them. As we have considered this Road Trip which is
the journey of faith all as we back our bags, we come to the conclusion of the
summer and the cusp of Fall and we ask –- what do we hold on to?
Where is our foundation? How solid is our rock? Does the slightness news cause a reaction? Does the
littlest disappointment cause us to repulse? Does the given challenges and
tensions cause us to retreat? Do we bunker down? Do we evacuate or do we trust
in the rock of faith?
That in our moments of confusion
That in our times of disillusionment
That in our occasions of bewilderment
That in the storms of life
We come to the Church – God’s Rock – and Here we find
Him, and here we will find the direction, comfort, mercy and peace we need. That we need not
pack our bags alone – but that we can walk knowing the rock is with us.

May the invitation
of our summer journey together – permit us to walk
together with the Church – staying close to the rock no matter what comes –
even in the storms - and may a new season soon before us lead us all toward
closer relationship with Jesus