We are beginning a New Year with a New Message series called "Defining Moments." God created moments
for us where He invites into His larger plan: moments of insight and
understanding, moments when He offers a clean break and fresh start, moments of
support and encouragement. And often there are moments when He calls us into
something more.
In this series we will look at the moments God uses to impact
us and, how we can be open to receive them. We will also use, as a
supplementary resource, the Book “Perfectly
Yourself” by Matthew Kelly. We are also launching a weekly email called "Make Sunday Matter" and during the first two weeks of this new year we will give a free copy of the Matthew Kelly book to anyone who subscribes to our weekly email which will build upon our message series (see our Cafe after any Mass on the Lord's Day for details).
The email contains supplementary things, and links to our message podcast, to some reflection questions and even a link to a follow up video. Lots of stuff for you, during the week, to Make Sunday Matter! During our first weekend - over 250 families signed up! Its never too late... so drop in this Lord's Day weekend and be part of the growing movement to Make Sunday Matter!
Here is a wee glimpse............

The Feast
of the Epiphany of the Lord is the optimal Defining Moment. Tradition has suggested the Magi were: Melchior, King
of Persia; Caspar, King of India; and Balthasar, King of Arabia. They
were astronomers who closely tracked the movement of heavenly bodies and
claimed to read them as omens of earthly events. Unlike the Jewish people, they
did not look to God and His law to direct their steps. The Magi would have
never sought out the Jewish Messiah on their own — but God presented them with
a defining moment.
The Three
Wise men teach us three essential qualities which we must ask ourselves if we
have in order be open to the Defining Moments of our life:
Willingness to Look Up at the Stars
Openness to Step Out of our Routine and Comfort Zone
Desire to Do Good and Go and Tell
service is not done in isolation, but in contemplation. We try and discover
“our thing” by looking at our patterns of defeat (our woes) and embrace instead
progress (our wins). Asking nightly God
where did I see you? Lord, where did I miss you? (Awareness Examen)
Lesson – Celebrate Your Progress
at the Five Points Outlined in Chapter 1. Scribe for yourself a Road Map by asking:
do I need to focus on today?
specific action will I take to achieve progress in this area?
will I measure my progress in this area?
can I do to make a difference in the lives of others today?
I better today? (i.e. more a reflection of God’s image)
did I do today that brought me happiness?
did I do today which made me restless or unhappy?
did I choose those things? Did I hurt anyone? How can I improve tomorrow?
good things do I feel the Holy Spirit inspiriting me to do tomorrow?
you Sunday!