Well our young adults got right into it by being hands of hope during our parish wide Service Saturday today. We were well represented by Pete, Adrienne and Rhonda as we helped serve a meal to some 70 homeless people at the Out of the Cold Program in Cambridge. It was a great experience and we thank everyone involved.
Our next Catholic Café is set for November 2nd. It begins with Vespers at 6:00 p.m. and then our social after. We will be planning our Advent Outreach project so we hope to have new faces - consider joining us. Also we are getting ready for our first road trip - our Bowling Nite on November 29th. It will follow the 5:00 p.m. Mass that evening - why not bring a friend that evening.
Our Young Adult Group includes college and university age, as well as people in their 20's & 30's, married or single - come join us and get connected !