Da Crew gathered again for a mighty afternoon of fun...Frisbee fun in fact. We made our way to Forbes Park for an hour of what we thought would be Ultimate Frisbee, but then a few minutes into it ....something happened...our dollar store Frisbee showed why it was on sale...it broke. Unwavering in their pursuit of fun for Da Crew, Uncle Bruce and Auntie T improvised and Ultimate Frisbee became Ultimate Football. It turned out to be a great time. The rules kept changing, but the fun that everyone had didn't. Thanks to all who made it fun.
We then made our way back to the Parish Centre, had a bite of Pizza together and then some free time, including a piano performance by Michael B, a game of silent ball and just some time to hang out, after we talked about the Nerve to Serve weekend that is. We then made our way into the Church for Sunday Night Vespers with the parish, it was good to be there and to finish our time with prayer. Now we start the countdown til the Nerve to Serve weekend at Camp Brebeuf..only 13 more sleeps...til a weekend without sleep but lots and lots of fun. Da Crew continues