Today is the Feast of All Souls; each year on this day we remember in prayer all those who have died, and in doing so recognize that death is not the end. This day also marks the beginning of a month-long remembrance of the dead, those souls awaiting the end of time when all will gather together in the new Jerusalem. It is a longstanding custom in the Catholic Church to pray for the dead. Of course, we do this at every Mass. However, as a tangible expression of our prayer during the month of November, we write the names of our loved ones who have died in the Book of Life, displayed in the sanctuary. Those whose names are written there will be remembered in a special way during all Masses in our parish in November at our parish.
Tonight we also had a beautifully moving Sunday Night Vespers to which families members of those deceased this past year from our parish community attended. They, along with others, gathered for a service rooted in song, scripture and light as we recalled the lives of 31 members of our community who returned Home to God.
During this month of November will you join me in recalling and giving thanks to God for all those who were gifts to us; may they rest in peace.