Today at our 9:30 a.m Mass we had a wonderful celebration with our Grade 4 students. It was an opportunity for us to offer each of them a special gift during the week in which they received their own personal copy of the Bible. This celebration culminated a week in which we have truly been focusing on the gift of Catholic Education.
In fact, this past Friday, November 7th, all of the staff members of our three parish schools gathered together for a celebration of Mass as part of their Faith Day celebrations. It was an amazing sight to be together with these talented Catholic educators. Our focus was to consider how to be Educators of the Beatitudes. I know it is a great joy for me to collaborate with the staff of our schools, it is a great gift to have the chance to interact and minister to the children and parents of our three schools.
This year, as a parish community, we are focusing on strengthening the bond between our parish and school..here is some of what we are doing:
Our Grade 2's are participating with their parents in Church Tours which help them to prepare for their special year of receiving the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation
Our Grade 4's have the presentation of their own copies of the Bibles and a special Scripture weekend in which they receive a gift from the parish
Our Grade 5's, who focus during their religion program on the Diocesan Church, are participating in a special Tour of the Cathedral of Christ the King in Hamilton.
Our Grade 7 students participate in a special Leadership Day at Camp Brebeuf. It is sponsored by the parish and helps our grade 7's to look at leadership as a call from the Lord to become who He is inviting us to be.
Our Grade 8's participate in a parish led weekend at Camp Brebeuf called Activ8..it s a weekend of focusing on Confirmtion, and on the call to be authentic disciples who Activ8 the gifts of the spirit.
We also have special seasonal celebrations at Advent and Easter with our JK/SK students, as well as weekly class visits to all our schools.
The partnership of Catholic Education is an important element of the good news found within our parish community.