Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back to School

I offer my prayerful best wishes to all who are resuming school this week, especially those who are doing so for the first time at new schools, colleges and universities.

Blessed are you, Lord God,
creator of body and mind and heart;
you have sent the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge
to guide your people in all their ways.

At the beginning of this new school year,
we implore you to bless the students and staff of our
Parish Schools of Our Lady Fatima, St. Elizabeth and
St. Benedict; may we together grow in faith, hope & love.
Bless our young adults who are off to College and University; may they learn how to follow
your Son Jesus in Truth.
Expand the horizons of all our minds,
that we may grow in wisdom,
understanding and knowledge.
Deepen our commitment to seek your ways;
and enliven our faith to reach out to those in need.
Glory and praise to you, Lord God,
in the Church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever.