For the child of God, moving ahead is the only direction Scripture outlines for us to go. While some may choose to maintain the status quo, to go around in circles, or event to want to turn back to the security of what was - moving ahead with confidence is the only life giving alternative.
It has been several years now, since I adopted as a motto for myself, words once entered into the diary of the legendary Dr. David Livingstone. He was the 19th century Scotsman who devoted the best years of his life to crisscrossing the vast continent of Africa as a Christian missionary doctor, preacher, and explorer. The entry he made into his Journals affirms: “I am prepared to go anywhere, as long as it is forward!”
Moving forward is not always easy. There will be potential distractions; the road will bend; obstacles may appear along the way; other adverse circumstances may be faced as well. Yet, nothing should keep our eyes from the ultimate goal; nothing should ever allow discouragement to paralyse us in the process. Moving ahead is the only way to go!
A follower of Jesus truly can move ahead with confidence in any enterprise, maintaining an uplifted head no matter what, and with full assurance of ultimate victory, because of the promises of God and because of the character of God. This character of God is His unfailing goodness toward us. His promise is that God will go with us where He leads us!
As we continue to move forward in life - let us never look back, go around in circles or even just maintain the status quo - rather let us recheck our individual personal histories and be reminded of His faithfulness in years past, being also reassured of what He can do for us now, since Jesus
Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Indeed, let us trust Him more completely for what He can and will do on behalf of His
children as they encounter new challenges. His promises never fail and He remains faithful to the end, for He loves us with an everlasting love. Our part is simply to keep moving forward with confidence !