There is a word ever dear to our hearts, but dearer still at Christmas - Home. Like the old saying; “there is no place like home”. Home has charm, it has character, even at times we have a childlike affection for it. Our Home need not be a mansion, maybe it is even to some less than a shack, but as long as it home for us - we are there cradled in its comfort and care.
Christmas is a time when our memories and thoughts gather around home. Amid the chaos we find a quiet moment and ponder its gift. We also tenderly recall those whom distance or death momentarily separate from all being together at home; we hear their voices echo the hallway, their scent fills the air and their presence seems in its absence to seemingly touch us – we remember them all at Christmas.
This Christmas many will come Home – to our Home – St Mary’s Church. During Christmas Mass we may cast a wistful glance at one another. Our decorations may proclaim anew that the Saviour has come, our worship may well up in each of us a joy and devotion, our music and message may cause a cheery reminder of when the heavenly chorus first announced the glad tiding of peace on earth among everyone of good will. We will say; it is good to be Home.
As we come together this Christmas – as we come Home – let us pray for one another that as we are brought together in one place for this one time, we may remember the one reason, the one person, that has made this togetherness possible. May the Child of Bethlehem be born again within each of us and fill your heart and soul with peace and love. Welcome Home!
May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our inspiration, model and guide.
Together in the Lord’s Service
Father F. Freitas
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve – December 24, 2011
5:00p.m. – Mass with Pageant and Children’s Choir
7:00p.m. – Family Mass
Midnight – Solemn Mass of Christmas
(Carols begin at 11:30p.m. and Incense will be used)
Christmas Day – December 25, 2011
10:00a.m. – Solemn Mass of Christmas Day
A reminder that additional seating for 300 persons will be provide at all Masses in the Parish Centre and additional parking at the Johnson Centre has been arranged.