We are now in the second week of the journey of Advent. Advent is a tradition that is intended to be a spiritual journey, Advent is a time to reflect on Scripture and slow down to appreciate not only Jesus’ birth but also His gift of salvation through His death and resurrection. The Christmas story is not just something celebrated in December, but it is something meant to be lived out every day as we eagerly await His glorious return.
Each day of Advent, set aside time to slow down and remember the reason we celebrate. You will be engaging in Scripture, meditating on its truth, and experiencing God in new ways. It may seem counter cultural to slow down during what is known as one of the busiest times of the year. But that is exactly what Advent encourages you to do. Be counter cultural—you won’t regret it.
Candles on our Advent Wreath are lit as reminder of what the Gospel of John speaks of Christ as the true light coming into the world. Through the tradition of Advent we stand together with Christians around the world, proclaiming this truth prophesied many years ago. Christ is coming. Christ is always coming, always entering a broken world, a shattered family, a wounded heart. Remember and claim this truth by lighting a candle when you pray—as a visual reminder of the light of the world who came to earth as a baby to show His love for you.
During Advent I hope that you are following my Advent Devotional - Padre's Pause - which is a daily meditation to help us slow down a bit; it is on my Twitter page @PadreFreitas. I hope this Advent we can all slow down a little.