Having guests enter our homes for the holidays requires preparation—cleaning, decorating, and shopping. And most of us do this willingly and eagerly during the holidays in order to spend time with family and friends.
But how often do we spend time preparing our hearts for the holidays? The busyness of the season can all too easily crowd Jesus right out of Christmas. Most people would never forget one of their children’s birthdays, but the birth of the Savior of the world can get lost in the glitter and glamour of Christmas parties, presents, and activities.
Is Jesus the center of your holiday? Examine your heart this Christmas season. Maybe it’s time to do a thorough cleaning and prepare a place for Jesus to come and stay. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a great way to get rid of clutter, it helps things become clear and clean so that we can celebrate the great Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord not only in peace - but clutter free. Our Parish Reconciliation Service is Thursday, December 15th at 7:00pm - five visitng priests will be present - great way to get ride of the clutter !
In the same manner in which we clean and prepare our homes in the anticipation of welcomed guests and family members this Christmas season, let us also prepare our hearts in anticipation of the Lord's coming. Christ, our most honored and eagerly anticipated guest, desires to meet with us in a heart prepared for His arrival. So eager is He to meet with us that He offers to help us with our spiritual housecleaning, working with us; creating a resting place for Himself within our hearts.