The first witnesses to the Lord’s resurrection on that first Easter found themselves initially confused by being confronted with an empty tomb and a variety of questions:
- Where is Jesus? What have they done with his body?
- Why are His burial clothes still in the tomb?
- Who rolled the stone away? What do we do now?
- Dare we hope that what he promised has come true: that He would rise from the dead on the third day?
What would we have done and thought if we were to have encountered the tomb empty on that fateful day?
Would we have run away too scared to tell anyone what we saw or didn’t see? Would we have peered into the tomb half thinking to find him still there, half hoping we wouldn’t because He was true to His word? Would we still seek the living among the dead as the revelation angel asks the women caught in confusion and grief?
Easter challenge to us all to believe in the power of "Empty". Go with resurrection faith and seek the ‘dead’ among all those living in the world today; those caught in the ‘deaths’ of grief, violence, victimisation, of despair, hopelessness and hurt. Look out with His love and find those who experience the death grip of addiction, the agony of being devalued and of feeling unwanted or useless. Run with a heart full of joy to bring His message of hope and inclusive care to those who feel unwelcome in society. Bring His healing peace and forgiveness to those caught in cycles of un-forgiveness, guilt over sins that still haunt their lives or fear that no one understands or is willing to heal their wounds. Jesus, I believe, says that we are to seek the ‘dead’ among the living so that the life of the crucified and resurrected Christ can touch their lives with new hope.
During the Easter Season we will be focusing together on the power of "Empty" and asking ourselves who ‘among the dead’ does Christ invite us to seek out and find this Easter for the sake of their New life? Who is that "one more" that God calls us to seek and find. Who will He send you to from His empty tomb, with His message of hope?