Sunday, January 22, 2012

Listen and Launch

This past week as I sat in a waiting room I made conversation with a lady sitting next to me - as my best friend tells me - you talk to everybody and anybody don’t you - yep ! She asked me what I do for a living? and so I told her. "Oh" she said and then put her magazine closer to her face seeming to read; even though it was upside down. After a few minutes of akward silence she turned and asked: "So what do you when all your excuses for now persuing what you think you should are gone ?". I paused looking a bit confused and so she continued " Your kids are out of the house, your marriage is comfortable and you know there is more to life- what do you then ?"

I had no great wisdom for her - except - listen and launch. Listen and Launch. Listen - Speak Lord, Listen - I want to God, Listen - Tell me How

Launch - I will go Lord, Launch - I will Follow - Launch - Yes I will do it Jesus
- Launch - I know your there to Help me - I don’t need to do it alone

God's Word for you and me this weekend reminds us that God has a dream for each of us. I have dreams for you God tells Jonah in our First Reading (Jonah 3:1-5,10). He encourages him to dream that dream for himself and the people of Nineveh; to trust in God. "Come Follow Me" says Jesus to His Friends in our Gospel(Mark 1:14-20). James and John heard the call and followed Jesus because, even though life was comfortable with their father's business, they knew there was more if the would go and do God the Father's Business.

So often in scripture we hear it said "Be not Afraid" and in essence that message is an invitation to close the gap between a daily life to a dreamy life - a life of discovering not what the world tells you your life should be about - but what God’s plan is - because those who do are the happiest ever!

But in our humanity, we make excuses for not doing the things we know we should. We are all too busy we will say, and none of us knows the perfect place to start and so we become overwhelmed and we don’t take a single step. We thinking dreaming is for other people and we think its silly. Or, maybe, someone tells you its something you can’t be or do. Maybe a teacher, a parent or a boss told you - you can never do that - and so we beleived them. Michael Jordan was told by his dad in College - give up on this dream of basketball. He said " Son your not actually that good". O what we would have missed.

Listen to that still small voice. Listen to that constant inclination. Listen to that profound call to come and see the dream of God for you. Listen and then launch.

Two Weeks Ago, I wished you an Epiphany - that you might say - yep I made it to 2012 and you might recall those who got you here - the stars that are in your life - friends, family, faith community; and truly give thanks.

Last Week, I wished you an invitation to Come and See. Top just come & see what God has in store for you, to see wait for His invitation.

This Week, I Hope you will do some Dreaming. I hope you’ll listen to what God’s dreams for you are and that you’ll launch - without fear or faulting. This time of year - end of January - is when Resolutions go to die - I hope instead you’ll listen and launch.