On New Year’s Day, we celebrate the beginning of a new calendar year. The Church has established it as the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God. Who better than the Blessed Virgin Mary to be a model for our beginning a New Year? Our Blessed Lady was the one whose freely given consent allowed the plan of God to unfold. It was she who always centered her life on the Son to whom she had given birth.
The Blessed Virgin Mary has always had a special place in the life of the Church. She is honoured not only for the unique privileges accorded her by God Himself, but also for her personal faith response to the Lord’s Will for her. She remains Mother of God and Mother of the Church. May the pattern of her faith be an inspiration for our lives and growth as a parish.
May Our Lady of the Visitation continue to be our inspiration, model and guide.
Loving and Eternal God,
every good gift comes from You.
As we begin this New Year,
grant us unwavering faith,
constant hope, and love that endures.
Give order to our days, peace in our work,
everlasting happiness in our families,
and joy in our walk of faith.